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Archive through May 31, 2012

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Charlie "Digger" Proctor

. Even I can tell that he could use spell check lol. I see the hydro handle not in neutral ! That is just to funny lol.
Outstanding. I bet those stainless bolts help it pop wheelies all over the yard.
Kraig: I call this "some things you shouldn't be without". Shadow and a can of Bud Light missed the pic. From left to right this is JackieO, Gracie & Jeanne.
What a beautiful day in Northern Maine!


Was that ad posted on this site?
Where in the world did he come up with that color scheme?
But Kraig, you like those zig-zag grill 125's.......
To each his own I suppose.
So I emailed the guy and asked if he was serious.

His reply, and I quote.

"yes that tractor is close to restored. thatractor i have a lot of times the frame was taken down to the bare matel and all repated all new bolts put in it all new hood panit job down to it new lights all around the tractor all new tires put on the tractor. the tractore as all new wireing it it the motor was rebult all new parts in the motor. i can see you mist not no noth about how to restoren tractors at all."
CHARLIE - As a dues paying member to the "Correct Police" (sarcasm there).... It really could be worse, it could be all green & yellow.

His choice of components, like "All Stainless Steel bolts & hardware" (sorry I didn't get the misspellings correct) is proof a little knowledge is a Dangerous thing. We've had that discussion a couple times here on THIS forum.

CHRIS R. - Now back to better things... First CC I owned looked a lot like your Daughter's CC #72. 'Sept it was yellow & white.... But the PINK is growing on me! Nice job! I'd be smilin' too if I was sitting on the seat!
i can see you mist not no noth about how to restoren tractors at all."

Whatever that is supposed to mean, true, I don't know anything about restoring a tractor. I do, however, know something about how to write.

As I work on my 1250, please remind me to rely on the advice from ya'all, and NOT the advice from this guy. I want to be sure I get the correct colours chosen.

Great post, Charlie, and I love the responses!}
Charlie - thanks for posting the pic of the 125 show tractor. I wonder what the people in Somerset(sp?) PA. really thought. For myself, I always wonder why people refer to these as "restored" tractors, or that they restored the tractor. Better phrasing would be they customized the tractor. I always thought restoring something was to return it to like new. This tractor is certain nothing like when it left the factory. It appears to have a strap around the frame (the frame area that is between the steering wheel and seat). And why would you put a clearance light on the side of the seat support? And since he mentions all new tires, did he find some NOS rear tires someplace? I don't think I've seen anyone have that tread design available for about 20 years. I'm at least glad to hear about the stainless steel bolts. It should make it easier for whomever buys this tractor to take things apart. The one thing that really bothers me is the reply you got upon inquiring - "i can see you mist not no noth about how to restoren tractors at all." I think the best this guy could hope for, is for someone to steal it so he could possibly collect some insurance.

Dennis F - if it was green and yellow it would probably actually look better.}
"i can see you mist not no noth about how to restoren tractors at all."

I wonder what Charlies response to this was, it had to be good
This fellow may be "challenged",and is doing the best he can. At least the 125 wasn't scrapped,and hopefully a new owner will return it to it's previous glory!
Lucas J.
I had no response. I figured there was no point.

There's some things that are best left alone and I'm thinkin that was one of them.

I MIGHT have to change my sig line though!
I've gotta side with Dennis, the pink is growing on me too... In a few short days I may have a reason to fix up my little 182 instead of scrapping is out.
Hey guys. Put your thinking caps on and shoot me your ideas and suggestions about putting hydraulic lift on a 125 cadet. I still have my dad's 125 cub cadet that he bought new in 1969. It is showing it's age pretty good but I only use it for snow plowing. Even though it has the spring assist on it my arm gets mighty tired raising and lowering the plow. I would like to put some sort of hydraulic lift on it. I know that there was a hydraulic unit available to hang on the side of the tractor but finding one that is complete and in good working order is hard to do. I was thinking of an electric over hydraulic pump unit similar to what is used on pickup trucks, just smaller in size. I don't need it to angle the blade. I can still do this by hand. I had even thought about mounting an electric winch down on the right side footrest and run the cable out to the plow. This might work ok for the lift part but would not put any down pressure on the plow to keep it from coming up on it's own when plowing deep snow. I would appreciate any info pertaining to this matter.
Chris Rolke, Schultzie, that is AWESOME! and your children smiling makes it all worth it!

Charlie, some people have a unique view of "restored".. but I think he spelled that correctly at least!
I'm with Bobby on this one. This guy apparently isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He probably thinks he has done something special and is really proud.

Let's just hope the new owner DOES bring it back to a yellow and white appearance.

I've never been one for customizing anything cub.
Charles Frock

That is doable, Charlie has a 125 for sale on his site that someone has added a ported pump and a lift cylinder . Have a look at his Tractors for sale on his site.http://ccspecialties.org/tractors.html If you have a ported hyd pump it is easy to do.

Frank C

Looks like your better half is ready to do some work with that tractor.It was nice here today and I spent all day in the shop.Saturday is Apple Blossom festival in The Valley , So we are planning an all day MC trip to see and smell all the beauty.

Very, very nice job on the 72! I am sure your daughter loves that tractor that her daddy made for her and she loves her daddy just as much. I hope this is something you two can have together for years to come. Nice Job!
Started making a bit of progress today.

Began work on a cradle mod, but before that - I need to spruce-up the oil pan that had taken a beating.



After welding:


After some lap grinding wheel time:


Who knows, this 1650 might be ready to run by Christmas...
I am at a loss for words on this one Charlie. Now that is funny.
Chris Good job on the tractor for the beautiful little girl.

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