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Archive through May 21, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Snap~On, Mac, or Matco Tools will also have the bearing seperators. Most dealers can also order OTC---.

Back in the late 80's to early 90's I was a SNAP~On Tool dealer, I always stocked seperators on my toll truck.
Paul D. Ive had a seperator on order through my snapon man for 2 months. It will be here monday though. New dealer, didn't stock them on his truck..
Way off topic but if anyone out there has info on or experience with a Cub Cadet 2182 I would like to ask a couple questions via e-mail.
I carried a busted Snap-On 3/4" socket around with me for a year and stopped at every Snap-On tool truck I seen at a shop and never could get it replaced. I busted a Craftsman on the same bolt that day ... unscrewed it with a no name Japan discount store socket I bought back in the mid 70's.

Paul D -- do you mean to put this valve body
on this plate
Somebody call Bryan and tell him we need an imediate
passed out !!
I got kinda bored today, so I went to a local upholstery shop and bought $5 worth of scraps. With a little fabric welding (sewing) I was able to create a new seat cover for crusty. (Sorry, they didn't have any IH yellow.)


Don -- that doesn't look that bad. It beats rust ! I'd take that any day on my 127 over what it's got left on it.
Hey , a word of saftey advice ... you ever think about getting an NHRA approved Fire Bottle installed on that cubbie ?
I snapped the handle on a 3/8 snap on ratchet. No pipe was ever put on it.
Thanks Ken, you think the wife would let me splurge on a fire bottle? She shook her head when I mentioned purchasing new hood decals! "An odd hobby", she says. I got her to drive it yesterday though.
Got to spend some Cub time in the garage this afternoon. The 129+ V-twin doesn't exist anymore as a result of the wrench turning. It's donating most of itself to a K341 powered hybrid of a 129 & a 1x50. I'm hoping to have the new version running (& mowing) by next weekend, time permiting.

Take it back and tell the Snap-on® guy that you were just using it to take off your mower blade when the mower accidentally turned on!

Say it isn't so!
Anyone know where Travis has been?

He's been trying to get more face time on TV


Seriously, I'll bet he'll sleep the next week after all the sandbags put up overnight. I stopped through last night and today and the rain didn't treat anyone well. Storms kept re-fireing in northern Iowa and dumping rain.

Believe it or not there IS a weir/dam under here.

No worries, Travis's Cubs are all on high ground as our mine. The county I live in has flash flood watches out, but it'll be a national disaster if the water even gets close to my door, I'm about 40' above the river where I am, even only a block away from the river.
To bad you dint see that fat juggle jawed broad standin around bitchin cause the local fireman sand bagged the fire house! I may have to take me a little road trip tomorrow and show her what an old man can do with a sand bag! GRRRRRRRRRRRR

(Message edited by cProctor on May 22, 2004)
About the best comeback when the folks said "we only got 4 bags" should have been, "yeah, two for you, two for your wife"
Charlie, that chic don't even live in Rockford!! I was on the phone about 5 minutes after that aired. We got blamed for saving the Fire Station instead of helping them. The irony is that the forklift loading pallets of loaded sandbags was going back and forth to the place she was interviewed. I just walked in the door from 6:30 yesterday fighting the water we just got.

Art, you missed the looonnnng boots

Wyatt and Mike M, I told ya that you guys would beat me home!! I'm going to bed

Here's where the parking was for Plow Day 6

Here's what we were faced with today.

If anyone wants to read the article Charlie is talking about, CLICK HERE
I'm surprised that Travis got the sheep out of those boots before the camera arrived upon the scene! "Tra-a-a-a-a-vis."

Oh, yeah. Regarding the 129+, it is so. I'm entering one of my phases where if something isn't useful (more than 2x per year), I'm getting rid of it. That being said, I wonder why I haven't seen much of Beth lately????? Hmmmmmm.

(Message edited by kehrecke on May 23, 2004)
Busy here in Central Iowa Saturday night, Lot's of lightning & Tornado warnings! We went to basement for awhile when it passed our place. Some big hail hit, then heavy rain. 3.5" in guage this morning.

Glad you got to help save the fire station Travis! Looks like my PD6 parking spot got sell watered!
Yes Ken thats the plate.

Sounds like Snap~On's service has really gone down hill since I was a dealer.

I always provided great service, if I not the other trucks (Mac or Matco) would get the sales.

competition = good service

This is the reason I expect good service from the service sector----- which is hard to find these days!