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Archive through May 20, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Marcus M, http://cubfaq.com/belts.html

scroll down until you see you tractor model on the left side of the page, then look at the 3rd column, and that will tell you your belt size
169 - Adding hydraulics to a manual lift tractor...

I'm wondering what is necessary to add hydraulics to a manual lift 169? Someone recently posted a scan of a IH memo that shipped with the original 169 kits. It says to NOT use the kit with any other tractor as the 169 "shipped with an extra large pump..." I want to upgrade the tractor to hydraulic lift, but want it to be "correct" in that the proper parts be used. If the parts are all the same as the 1x9 tractors, great!

I do know there it something about changing out springs in the pump also...

Thanks for any help,


Most hardware stores that carry the Hillman product line don't stock everything Hillman offers. I was fortunate that a friend whose family has a hardware store ordered the Hillman 58087-A bronze thrust bushings for me. I suppose anyone could ask a store owner to special order those bushings, but you might have to get a dozen at a time, and it will take a few weeks. My only problem was that I had to drive clear across the state to get the bushings. I'm on the western state line, and the hardware store is on the eastern state line. Jeez, it was at least a 40 minute drive. I'll put something in the classifieds.
Marcus M,

Tensioner springs occassionally fail on mower decks mostlyl due to rust and fatigue. Replacement is simple by removing the larger pivot bolt on the idler arm and the 5/16" flat head bolt that holds the spring. While you have the idler arm off, be sure to check the condition of the idler pulley bearing and apply some grease to the pivot bolt shank which the idler arm pivots on.
Frank S., just curious, have you removed the bowl from the carb to make sure that none of the rust particles made it in there? Perhaps when you run it full throttle it's sucking up some small bits. Might be a good idea to thoroughly clean the carb as the next step before you adjust the governor.
Wide Frame snow plows...

Were there different widths of plows? Also, were all the plows compatible with the "power angle" or whatever they called the hydraulic angling of the blade with the front hydro ports?


Calvin, there were both 42" and 54" wide dozer blades available. Either would work with a power angle.
i got a weird question for you guys. on my 1250 the lift handle hub and the cam assembly dont have near enough adjustment for my deck. it will only stop the deck from maybe being almost on the ground? they both seem to be factory and in real great shape nothing busted or anything. but i dont see any different cam assemblies that you can buy. the guy i bought it from converted it to hydro lift and it will bleed down while mowing. so i thought i would set the height that i want to mow at but i cant even get it close to stopping where i want it to? just seems weird to me, so i thought i would ask the pros.
