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Archive through May 17, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Art -- my 122 doesn't use the extra bracket as the holes are drilled (punched) through the frame. The 127 has no such holes.

<blink><font size="-2">thanx Digger</font></blink>
Ken, that would be the 70/100 version the 1x6/7 version is on vol 2.
You just want me to dig out those 27 cds again ... no wonder Art get's on yer case ! ;)

seez ... gonna have to quit posting so much ...

<blink><font size="-2">thanx Digger</font></blink>

I don't have v2 (unless in the house) and I found 4 more cds in the lower drawer where the top drawer overflowed !

<blink><font size="-2">thanx Digger</font></blink>

(Message edited by kweaver on May 18, 2004)
Sorry Kraig-
I guess I saw 129 with my eyes but 127 is what was in my brain and thought you were saying a 122 casting and a 127 casting were different...

Just got the number mixed up. <font size="-2">Must be time for me to mount another set of AG's on a cub or something!</font>
Ken, no need to dig out any CDs I emailed the files.
there wasn't enough difference in the scans for them to have paid someone to make both drawings ... now you know where the price tag money went.

I'm outta here fer a while.

Art -- keep Kraig straight !
Kraig -- keep Art straight !
Digger -- oh forget it !
<blink><font size="-2">thanx Digger</font></blink>
Mike "M",
Have a safe trip, and no hawking for Cubbies!

Is this the same as you cuff links?
KENtucky- I gave up on those pop cans and green cloths. I am now one of those Government Contractors you hear so much about lately
Over payed, underworked, and happy to be alive!
Matt -- I hear ya ! <font size="-2">boy why would anyone be happy living in Tx when they could live here</font>

It's to hot down there , and to many storms ! <font size="-2">what am I talking about down there , I'm sweating my mustache off now!</font> My heart doc is from Galveston and drove down there last month. I've not seen him since he got back. I guess he had to go back to get the spring chill burned off. What ya been working on lately ?

Tom -- am I seeing that pin correctly ? It looks like chrome or polished.

Has anybody got that narrow frame cast piece adapter that Kraig posted that I could get the measurements and angles from ?
Anyone have a picture of a 42" adjustable blade for a 1250 CC..Also what are standard weight size for wheel weights?
Ken, I think Art has one.

Joel, the cast <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> weights are 26lbs each.



I have a 1450 that is missing the lever on the mule drive that indicates belt adjustment.

Does anyone have another method of making sure the belt is adjusted correctly?

KENtucky- It's nice here, for a change. Glad to see it too. I aint around enough to to bitch about it being bad. Did a little stint in the big sand box end of last year. Been to Alaska, Vegas, and Seattle since I got back and have another trip to Fairbanks next month. But, I got a new Cub hauler, the house is almost payed for and the kids might actually get to enjoy College instead of working their butts off. Momma says I can rest when I'm dead.
Mine are the old 3-globe IHC logo, sorta large for cufflinks, but they work for the very few times I wear them.
Are the rear rims on the 1X5's, the 1X8's, and the 1X9's all the same size. Thanks.
Gents- This is a little some thing I picked up on the way home today...





...any one know anything about it? How many HP?
Didn't realize it was air cooled till I got it home. Supose to be off an ARMY generator. It's got ONAN cast into the side of it. Didn't pay any thing for it so if it's not useful in any thing it will pay for my gas at the scrap yard
Hi Guys. I will shoot a pic of my ride and post it tomorrow. Thanks loads for the pics and plans for the 3pt. They look fabricatable even. Maybe I've got something wierd here with this Dynaplow. Look for pics tomorrow. Thanks.