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Archive through May 14, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I can assume that those box scrapes are no longer available, I would like to find one like those.
I can't speak of how common the IH box blades are (I have yet to see one for sale locally) but there are other available sleeve hitch and cat0 box blades out there like agri-fab and Howse FWIW.
JERRY B. - Yes, disussion of dropping a hard drive in a 59 Shredder is on topic, but there better be a video on U-tube.

RYAN - My old 38" stamped end deck does a nice job too. But I've made some improvements to it over the years.

JED L. - WOW, Dualed-up 23-8.50 FIRESTONES! You must like those 'Stones even more than I do! I'm surprised KRAIG didn't ask for more pic's of that CC & box blade.... so I will, got anymore pic's you can post? Looks like a nice CC.
Kraig, on the second pic from the top with the box blades,,, Are those star foam peanuts? NO way that cub with no weight was pulling that load. Kind of like mowing hip deep grass with an original in second gear.
With 250-300 pounds of weights --- you bet!
Dennis, knowing Kraig he already has one on file! I just hope the operator isn't barefoot!
Barefoot with a beer in one hand and holding a kid with the other hand.
128 with the second stalling problem.

adjusted governor arm and shaft, replaced governor spring. put new spring in third hole from bottom on governor linkage .put spring in top hole on throttle linkage.
checked RPM's, they dropped to 2500, full throttle, no load. left it there for now.

stalling worse now. stalled within 15 minutes of starting, while cutting grass. not an overload stall, just died. ground was level, grass only about 4".

where should I go from here? increase RPM's to 3600?

this time i do not believe it is the governor, and it does not stall like it did with the exhaust leak.
Paul W - You been here for 27 months and 5 days and you haven't learned yet ?

How the hell does a "Safety Consultant" keep a job IF he can't read friggin directions ???

<font size="+2">please no links to online selling sites</font>
KENtuckyKEN (Kweaver)

just dies. i just made a video of the stalling. i am downloading it to the computer now.

should have a link posted here in about 5 minutes.
coil is new.

it was suggested before, i tested the coil with an Ohm meter, and it was decided it was good.
That's not going to show a bad coil that heats up then opens up. When it's cool it'll run. Best to change it with a coil that is known to be good if available.

A short period like 15 minutes is usually a bad coil if it dies suddenly. I found out the hard sweaty way 30 years ago with an old outboard out on the river ! My arm still hurts from pulling that blasted wind up rope !!

That length of time then stumble and die like running out of gas is usually a plugged gas cap vent or stopped up fuel line.
Condenser could be bad too but I don't think they breakdown with heat ... might ?
Hurry with video ... I've got a severe thunderstorm breathing down my neck ...
condenser is new.

i could try another coil.

gas cap is old, i can check that.

fuel lines are all new, i can check though, something might have broken off from the tank. scale, or what ever.

video will be a few more minutes. i have to break it down into 30 second pieces.
entire video is 8 minutes long.
contains three stalls.