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Archive through May 11, 2019

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
Hey guys my cousin has a 1450 cub cadet that will idle but if you try to rev it up it just stumbles.
We rebuilt the carb cleaned all the passages out of it we used wire, drill bits, carb cleaner, and compressed air. The coil was also changed and fuel is flowing nicely to the carb. What else could be the problem? Thanks.
Brian W,
I used to load my orginal in and out on 6 foot ramps all the time. The easiest way is to find a ditch to back the rear pickup tires into, or a curb line to raise the end of the ramps a bit and cut down the angle some. I also use to hook a come along into one of the tie down loops on the truck and used that to pull it in if the angle was steep enough that I couldn't push it in. Do not try to ride it up the ramps into the truck, that's very dangerous.
Benjamin F.
If it doesn't die when you throttle it back to idle, it pretty much gotta be a fuel issue or maybe a line collapse, IMO. But it could actually be a number of things, but it's kinda hard without hearing it. ;-(
Benjamin T F:
Check the float level - common cause of fuel starvation - of course the most common cause of the symptoms you report are a problem in the high speed circuit in the carb.

If the coil was replaced with the correct one, you might have an issue with points/condenser breaking down under higher speed and like Nate said, timing could be on the ragged edge, allowing it to start and idle, but causing it to break up on acceleration.
Well I have not been on here in far too long! Howdy all!
Dad's 1450 has been working just fine, but the dang welded muffler finally gave up on him this week. Not enough good metal left to stick it back together. So an order has been placed and I hope he enjoys the quieter sound with the replacement compared to the straight pipe he idled back to the garage with, lol.
Brian, I'd try and either push or winch the tractor into the bed. Riding it up is not a good idea and I have a couple scars to prove that wisdom! I only drive them onto trailers that are much lower to the ground.
Fuel line and filter if its old can cause problems.
Inside the hose could be collapsing and starving the motor.
Also junk in the tank could be gathered around the screen and intake of the valve
Always go through your whole system when trying to diagnosing a problem
That O looks like the old truck from The Beverly Hillbillys just shurunk down a bit.
Charlie, where do you find these things?

Kendal, yes it does!
Hey Charlie "every cub has beauty but not everyone sees it"
And I'm still looking!

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