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Archive through May 11, 2019

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Maybe I can stir up something. I have a Johnson hydraulic loader on my 149. Hose leaking, I'm hoping to replace it tomorrow. But question, I thought I was to use regular 30 weight oil.
But I think also the correct oil should be regular hydrolic oil. Anyone know for sure.

Also Charlie do you now own the "gem" of an Original? And what is covering the air cleaner.?
Charlie, I like that. Tastefully done (IMO). I assume they were going for a Demonstrator look.
Charlie, I see they don't have a rubber grip on the lift arm. I take it a source for repro grips has not been found.
EDIT: I see you stock some lift grips.
EDIT 2: Looks like you don't have the Original-1x2 style.
Nice "120."
Kind of an odd place for the amp guage. I hope It is offset, so he won't be hitting his hand on it every time he changes gears!