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Archive through May 09, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2003
Lonny Buttke
Only another 20 years to go and I can maybe think about retirement.
This is "Donald and Daisy". They are daily visitor's to my bird feeder, or I should say the ground under the feeder, and have been for awhile as you can see from the bare ground in the first picture. This is the 3rd or 4th year they (or another pair) have been coming to the feeder. The closest water is the neighbors pool, and a creek down the street. A year or two ago Daisy brought her ducklings from the creek to the feeder after she found a hole in the 6' fence they could get through. After feeding she took them back down the street toward the creek, and shortly afterwards I heard a lot of motherly quacking going on. Daisy was coming back up the street by herself, franticaly looking and quacking, when one of her ducklings came running out from under a neighbors shrubbery. Momma had gotten home and discovered one of the little ones was missing, and came looking for it. I laughed till I cried at the sight of her chasing that duckling back down the street just as hard as it could run, quacking (scolding) all the way home. She hasn't brought them back to the feeder since. The ducks play nice with some of the other birds, but not all of them. They get along OK with the squirrel's chipmunks, as long as they don't get too close.


I've had a pair in the ditch/county drain/creek next to my house for years. Lots of quackers at the right time of year. Great pictures..
Paul, great story and photos. Ducks are fun to watch.
We used to call the pair at our place "the Bickersons" (if you've ever listened to that radio show with Don Ameche and Frances Langford)
I am not sure,,I am still looking for the hydro lever...
Dave: When I was a teenager my father purchased a Chrysler New Yorker of the same vintage as the first 300 pictured, I believe it was a '63, although it could have been older. It was the smoothest riding car we ever owned, and that 383 could power you up over 80 mph before you knew it. I was in 7th heaven when my father let me drive it (but only while he was in the car with me
). Thanks for sharing.
Jeff, thank you for the link to Discovery - that is really amazing.
Dave, enjoyed the pics of the cars - don't make them like that anymore.

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