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Archive through May 09, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Charlie: They're OK in the garage.

Good idea to put something other than a tractor under the nest. These are at my Mom's place - there's 6 of them. Not much excitement in OxBow - these have become an item of discussion. All 6 have left the nest and I'm thinking that the first 3 born were the first to leave. Then they were all gone. Then 3 came back and built a new nest. Yesterday there were 3 eggs in the new nest. Could Barn Swallows that were born in June reproduce that quickly?
From the second hatch:


The 2 of the 4 that lived. About 5 weeks from egg to flight. 'Tho they've left the nest they still roost/rest near it and I really like the way they seem to keep each other warm. One is a bit bigger so it's like "he's" watching over "her".
Mike: Barn Swallows. Not that common around here, anymore, (although we have plenty of Tree Swallows). I think it's Al Gore's fault.
AH! Thanks for the heads up! Come down my way and we're still over run with'em. They take over the barns so you gotta be careful what you park under! LOL..
Charlie, your pic of the chick Barn Swallows was really upclose and personal. Aren't they just the cutest? When living in the country, I used to love to watch the Barn Swallons swooping and soaring about. They are such agile airielists!! Mike, I enjoyed your pics too and your sharing about their little personalities, and how the bigger one seeminly takes care of its smaller sibling. ((smiles))

We had suprize visitors yesterday. Ryan, from the forum here and his sweetie, Janie .Haven't seen Ryan since he graduated from Iowa State in the spring, and its been longer then that since we've seen Janie. We had a great visit. Janie is at Iowa State and Ryan is back in eastern Iowa, but he was here for the week-end so they hopped over to see us..((smiles))


Cath and Marlin
And Ryan's Cub Cadet Cutie likes Cub Cadets also. I've watched her help Ryan wrench on a couple of ours.