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Archive through May 08, 2012

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Might have to get me one of them for the 100 Charlie! It steers like a dream now with new ball joints, bearings, and tires. I am thinking the wife MIGHT want it for her garden work??
is it safe to say that stock cub engines did not start coming painted black untill the QL series or where there some very late model 1x8/9 with stock black engines?

Also I read that S/G,s where stock rated at 12 amps and replacements where 15 amps do we know if that statement is true?
Back at my 125 this morning to replace the leaking oil pan,It is cold and damp here today because Frank C sent all this rain down here. I have the stove going to take the chill off ,turned my in floor heat off a few weeks ago and hate this cold shop 53 deg bbbbrrrr. Later Don t

Have one for me Wayne S lol.

That must be 53 deg. "American"

Good luck with the 125 today!
Ken Freeman

I could have said 9 c , But then metric has not hit you like us. This is an "American" based site , so I posted to your standards. In our system our 0 is your 32 deg . I hate it because I`am old enuf to have to do the mat.
Birthy Hapday Don and Wayne!!!
You too Frank, though a day early!
There is more coming your way Don...weather has sucked here for the past couple days! Sorry Man!
Wish I was in your shoes today, working in the shop with Cubs instead of here at work!
Guess Happy B Day is in order?
JEFF - I'm pretty sure the stock S/G's were rated 15A. I had the one in my 72 rebuilt at a shop in Rock Island, IL right after I got it years ago, new brushes, turned the commutator, new bearing on the pulley end, they tested it and got 18A.

Not sure about the paint color of the stock engines. Depends on when LVL installed them I guess, before or after the paint booth. IH was never big on masking things, took too much time. Place where SON works now they assemble everything painted, and some stuff never gets painted, like zinc plated hydraulic tubes, rubber hoses, etc.
Hey fellas, I just remembered a question I had after seeing Jeff Bakers s/g question - and sorry Jeff I dont have an answer I just know they werent rated very much!

I have second 129 that I want to freshen up and build up a little for doing logging in the woods and such. Some of the upgrades would be a couple extra sets of lights (probably 55 watters) and a winch. I imagine it might be kind of hard to upgrade the s/g significantly with a bolt on upgrade, but please let me know if such an upgrade exists. The other idea, if memory serves (I'm not at the tractor this moment) the hub on the flywheel had a pulley built into it. Has anyone ever installed a more heavy duty alternator or something there? I was also going to upgrade to a big truck battery.

Any thoughts?
Tristan Stewart

Use LED for lights ,The car alt will draw to much hp away from what you will need. I want all it got sometimes .

This just arrived here!!




A , how old is this .and who rembers using one . I know I`am old when !!