Hi Ken, Hey Don!
Ken- the balance gears and balancer-dampeners don't work on the same concept, so one doesn't really 'replace' another... but there's plenty of reasons one way vs. another.
The balance gears are located above and below the crank so that their imbalance counteracts the swinging throws and reciprocating mass on essentially the same planes, and from what the K-series manual describes, Kohler went through some 'learing experiences' and changed some of the counter-balancing concepts, probably as a result of gear-spitting.
If the stuff I've been reading, the balancer-damper came into being as a method to cut down on the amount of torsional vibration along a crankshaft. Consider a large inline 8-cylinder engine... 8 throws, 9 main bearings. When the front cylinder fires, it's pushing against the crank, which at certain speeds, will twist slightly... winding up like a spring, until the flywheel catches up. In this case, fatigue could eventually yield to the crank's demise. Of course, this action would be much worse at certain speeds. If you look at a mantle-clock (or an old railroad signalling timer) you'll find that many don't have conventional pendulums- they have a flywheel on a torsion-spring. The flywheel spins one direction, twists the spring, and snaps back the other way... where it's spinning time constant is determined by the characteristics of the spring AND the flywheel's polar moment of inertia. (phew... that engineering class was how many years ago?)
Testing different materials and shapes one would find a crank that would withstand substantial service life... typically the result was forged steel or nodular iron, and pretty stout, but there HAD to be another way... less expensive and lighter... to keep a crank from rattling itself to pieces.
It's been a while since I read the balancing section of this book, but I believe the harmonic balancer really came into being (along with quite a few other automotive technologies) late in WW2, probably in the V engines of aircraft.
Anyway, the basic idea of the harmonic damper, is to make it's mass and elastic properties such that, when installed on a crankshaft with a given axial Frequency of Oscillation, the damper's reactance cuts the crankshaft's ringing propensity, and reduces the amount of crank-fatique.
I'm not lookin' over Don's shoulder (and I'm sure he wouldn't want me to be reverse-engineering his stuff), but my assumption is that the stock Kohler crank is short enough so that under 'STOCK' conditions, no funny twisting is going on... but with Don's 'refinements', there's probably quite a battle going on in there. If he's running a forged crank (which is stronger, but springier than cast), a little axial dampning would help keep the crank from 'jump-roping' more than twisting...
Thing to note- when doing the toothed-belt design analysis, one of the things the belt drive engineers want to know is Service Factor. Service Factor, in the case of the belt drive, is all about how SMOOTH the application is against the drive belt. In a generator application, the load is very predictable- lots of mass in the generator's armature, and the load won't change very quickly. If the generator's turned by a turbine, the belt will be subjected to very little shock, so the Service Factor will be pretty low... but if your load is a drop-hammer, and you're operating it with a big single-cylinder engine, the belt will get pounded-to-death, so the Service Factor you use in determining appropriate belt-sheave combinations is pretty high. The service-factor of multi-cylinder engines are quite a bit lower than singles, because you get more distributed torque through a rotation. I'd be willing to bet that Don's gettin' more'n enough fire-in-the-hole to make crank deflection... he might even have a few 'second-place trophies' (busted cranks) to show for it!
(Message edited by dkamp on May 07, 2004)