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Archive through March 27, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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A PSA for Charlie - make sure your ISP isn't still using ordb.org. ordb.org went "out of biz" in December 2006. I just took them out of my config. Nice for this news to reported in a timely manner

As of two days ago:<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

3/26/08 Update: ORDB has "listed the entire world" -- returning any query with a "listed" response. The result is that if you still have ORDB in your mail server config files, you're now blocking 100% of your inbound mail. For anyone still trying to "use" ORDB, you're not going to receive any inbound mail until you disable queries to it.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Oh no were getting snow here all day. i see its melting but the weather guessers say maybe 20cm of the white stuf. i might get a chance to use that snow blade again this year. Have a great Day all.
I'm about to try to fill the rear tires on my 1450 and was wondering how I should do it. Here in MS it rarely gets as cold as where most of you are from so freezing is not that big of a deal. However, it does dip below freezing a few times a year. I was thinking about adding 1/2 gallon of antifreeze to each tire then filling the rest of the way with water. Will this work?
jim, I believe around here, (IOWA),most use windsheild washer fluid in your tubed tires. you want tubes so it won't rust your rims.windsheild washer fluid is cheap, and won't freeze even if mixed with a little water.

I don't have tubes but I was thinking the antifreeze would keep the rims from rusting??????
Windshield washer fluid will rust your wheels.
If your going to add fluid, go with RV Anti-freeze or beet juice.
That way there's no rusting going on and if you blow a tire, your not going to dump something on the ground that could get ya a hefty fine, or kill your dog/cat if ya get caught.
Charlie, probably not, but someone handy with a welder could make one sized to fit a CAT-0 hitch on a 782 Cub or possibly one could be sized to fit on the <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> 3 point. Kind of a public service, food for thought kind of post.
JIM T. - My opinion only but fluid filled rear tires and tubeless tires = BAD. Biggest complaint We ever had at FARMALL on full size tractors was the fact We used tubeless front tires and about 2-3 sizes of tubeless rear tires. Near as I can tell I only have TWO tubeless tires left on all three of MY Cub Cadets...(I know the two FARMALL's are all tubed up!) and that's the front tires on the 982....and guess which tractor has the slow leaking tires that I have to air up monthly?
Hi all,

I've bought my first Cub Cadet.
I think it's a 123, but the decals are gone, so how can I be sure?
And are there any Dutch members here? As I will be looking for parts to restore it...

Best wishes,

Remco, welcome!

The 123 is the first model Cub Cadet to have a Hydrostatic transmission. Here are some photos of a 123 that may help you ID your Cub Cadet.



Note the hydro control lever in the above photo.


Here's a link to more info nad photos of the Cub Cadet Model 123
I have wondered where can I pick up beet juice? Shipping it would be too expensive.

Actually, I'm assuming they are tubeless. I've had this tractor for maybe a year. Probably less. I've never even put air in the tires. My question though is this: Why tubes? Everything I have (5 vehicles, 4 wheelers, trailers, etc) has tubeless tires and it's soooo much easier. I keep a plug kit near by and if I hear a leak or see a tire getting low, many times I can grab a plug and get it fixed in time to "limp" back to the shop for some air. If you have tires with tubes you are just going to have a flat. Then you are going to have to remove the tire, etc, etc, etc,......Seems like MUCH more trouble. I'm relatively new to the cub thing so I'm open to what it is that I'm missing, but I can't imagine that tubes on a cub are any less trouble than they are on anything else.
Terry B.
There's a plant in Chaska, Minnesota. Or I should say used to be.

Rim Guard is good stuff too,
Toll-free at 866-792-3700 and we will provide you the name, address and phone number of the Rim Guardâ„¢ dealer(s) in your area.