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Archive through March 20, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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It is a Yanmar 3TNA72 rated at 22hp, before adding the turbo. It is from a JD935 commercial front mount mower.

It was rebuilt by a dealer late last year, and gentleman lost interest in making a puller.
Whats the rest of the drivetrain?? ( gonna be smokin' by the time we get back down here in the fall??)
Working on making the driveline work. The Kubota motor was going to slide right up to the factory driveline, but the configuration of the new motor led to a change.

Of course it is a geardrive, and I am putting hydraulic lift on it.


Hi All.
Thought i would share some pics of upgrades to the 1650-4 this winter.,put side panels on the center
}+++ jpeg +++ 150268 +++

is anyone else going the the Red Power Roundup in Madison,Wis this July?
Darryl, nice upgrade! Makes it safer and neater. Of course, now we can't see all those cool mods you did to make it work. Better bring some photos with you to show those that ask "How did you make the drive work?" Or make the panels easily removable. HMMMM, ever hear of DZUS 1/4 turn fasteners?
Kraig. thats a good idea...then I could leave my tool box home!
Last night I took it to the local Mall/ the tractor club has a show there this week-end... I had the side panels off most of the night explaining the drive.It was a fun night.

are you bring your Cubs to the RPR in Madison?
Darryl, not sure if I'll make it to RPR. If I do make it, I doubt I'd be bringing any Cubs.
Anybody know of a way to tell if a hydraulic pump is one that can double as a motor as well? I have a small one that I'm not sure about and the numbers on the pump don't really tell me anything when I search online.