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Archive through March 15, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Nice looking tractors Don
I want a gear drive so bad I can taste it
Jason D.-

I would use tubes; somewhere I have a picture of what happened to my 128 before I put tubes in the tires that had fluid in them...
well guys i`am still hopeing to get a D, now i would like to know if a 1772 has the same frame as my 129 WF. how long will a Diesel last? is 550 hrs much time on it. Hope you that allready have a D will post some pictures and info on them. Later Don T
Don T.-

Frame is almost completely different. The engines will last forever. I have a 1512 with 2500 hours and it runs like new. I've heard they go 4-5000 if well-maintained. Like Charlie said, there's stuff in the MTD section. My website has pictures of the two standard-frame ones I have.
I was speaking of Al(don't tell him about Kentuck)Gore. Bout as green as it gets in Tennessee.
Hello all; I have two questions for the hydro guys.I'm about to do the trunnion repair on my 149; is it possible to replace the trunnion shaft seals without disassembling the entire hydro, and how much side-to-side travel movement should there be in the trunnion shaft? Thanks for any help or advice!
I'm going to flick you in the ear for that comment if we ever have the <strike>unfortunate</strike> chance to meet in person.

Bobby B.
You gotta take out the 4 bolts holding the rear end to the frame and drop the whole mess down to get that PITA out, or at least I do.