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Archive through March 15, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Michael R.
Ford and Green in the same post!
Sacrilege, I tell ya!
Charlie, isn't there some fine or public humiliation ritual for something like that ? I mean....this is a family oriented site, I just couldn't bare to know my kids or grand daughter seen something like that !

Michael - You can have any color you want as long as it's yours. What ever color you have the most of in your Crayon box ...
I would like to re-introduce myself as I have been a member for some time just not to active. My 1450 suffered a major engine issue this winter which lead me on a search for a new tractor. I decided that if I was buying it was going to be a 1512, 782D, 882. It took some time and I finally found a 1512 with 780 hours that I think is in great shape. Always stored inside with the deck, blade and tiller. Previous owner put on some hidieous exhaust and cut the OE extension so I plan to put it back to orginal. I am sure I will have many questions on these very special tractors. Any insights would be great!
I guess you could paint it any color of green that you liked as long as you would keep it in a shed where no one could see it!! By the way, what is wrong with the original yellow? That color looks good to me!

That "should I paint it green" question is going to (or already has) stir up a lot of people's emotions. Like Ken says, if you want it green, paint it green. ("any color in your crayon box")

That said, I would stay away from painting the ENTIRE tractor any one color (like those pictures of #409 that Charlie posted).

In my opinion, custom colors are not a bad thing, but they're usually poorly executed, so they look like crap. #409 was a nice shade of green in my opinion (If I remember correctly it was painted that color by it's previous owner to match a car he had which was the same color.) but it was "too much green".

When I do a custom colored cub (I say "when" becaue I already have a plan for one!) it will either have a black frame, or just a black tranny and front axle to take away from the "too much of one color effect". I may also do a contrasting color on the hood and then have some decals made up with the main tractor color (in your case green) that ties the hood in with the rest of the tractor.

Again, I think the key is to stay away from the "too much of one color" look. (As an example, think how silly Cubs would look if they were all yellow!)

Others may disagree, but this is what I <strike>am going</strike> would probably do.
Chris B. Did you check the FAQ's for further info on Hydro adj's. There are at least 3 different references on the 2 FAQ pages. Often they are written in a manner that makes more sense or has practical observations that you dont find in the factory manual.
Art, you observed how strange a Cub would look all one color. I tend to agree with you. BUT, you gonna be the guy who tells the operator of a Catapiller D9 that the paint on his Cat looks dumb!!
True, but most of the paint wears off the bottom half of a D-9 after the first hour of use, so now we're back to two colors.
Art - I see those interior decorating classes are starting to pay off
Thanks Charlie P. and Ron S. for the belt info.
Went to the shop yesterday after I posted and found a Gates Hi-Power II A144 belt. Don't know what that crosses over in IH # but installed it. This belt might be a little to long because after adjustment belt is barely touching rod that goes in front of pulleys and forward of PTO pulley.

Green paint would look better on Al than a Cub.
#409 was painted, like Art mentioned, to match the owners car which happened to be a Mercury. That is a nice shade of green but I agree with Art, it's too much, now if it was just some green highlights, like the green stripe down the hood on the 109.
I'd say more about custom color schemes but I've been sworn to secrecy....
Hello all. Jim as me to take a few shots for him after he moved some snow. I know he will post more on Monday.
well as long as the paint job is done with some pride i don`t care what people use. Mine will be yelloe and white so people will know at a glance that its a Cub Cadet. Later Don T
Eddie, did you say I looked green with envy at others that had the space to play with their Cubs with all the neat accessories?? Ur right!
Yellow and white for me!!But ive seen some nice paint jobs in pctures out there,other colors.
Ive got a question,when you guys fill your tires with water do you think its better to have tubes in or tubeless?I noticed in steves(hope i got that right)post about the 782 he said he has tubes.My neighbor came over the other day and said he has the answer to my traction woes on my off topic cheap lightweight sheetmetal tractor,to fill the tires with water.it helped ALOT,it has thoes big old baloon atv tires on it!then he started over to my beloved cub and i told him i dont want water in the tires in that one!!Still a bit protective of me new toy.besides i have wheel wights.just thought i would ask you guys