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Archive through March 06, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Hey Mike, 1" X 2" isn't square
I do have to admit, I do like the looks of the front fenders a LOT!!!!!
Scroll down at the 982 steering brake pics I posted and look at the hydro control rod and driveshaft. I got this 982 last week ,when I loaded it ,it seemed to rock a bit so I figured it was the classic loose rearend bolts ,got off the tractor ,grabbed the steering wheel and rocked and sure enough they were loose. next day I fire it up and hot dog around the drive seeing what the 19.9 had (COMPLETELY FORGETING THE LOOSE BOLTS).Well you can see what happened ,ALL I CAN SAY IS I AM GLAD THE TUNNLE COVER WAS ON. driveshaft bolts pulled out of the rubber couplers and did some serius banging around ,poked a hole in the filter and trashed the control rod. coulda been my you know whats in there .
No harm done as its getting pulled apart for a diesel project but I will be more carfull next time .
Rich, I was wondering what was going on there!!

Well, time to go work on the fire station!!
Had a GREAT Cub day today. I got the 123's healights installed thanks to Paul Bell for the remainder of what I needed...


Kraig, you may have noticed that I have painted the bolt for the front tires the "proper" color!
Then we picked up a 102. The other Cubs wanted to get in the pic too!


Then there was a BIG problem with the side of the engine.

Then there was a cigarette lighter on the 102. Was this an option?


So after all the pics, we got to work on replacing the 10HP with a 12. So now we have a 122. I am really starting to like the 1x2/3. Not sure if it will be mine, or if it will go to my friends collection. We'll see what happens.
Lift pin repair 101!

I was sitting on a bucket, looking at this Mutt's frame, trying to decide how I wanted the foot-controls to work. I envisioned a few possible methods of accomplishing my goals but decided that I should make sure that all the other junk down there didn't present a space-restriction. I went to assemble the lift shaft, which was siezed in the lift-handle that I didn't want. Spiral-pin wouldn't budge... bent my drift, darnit! Since the lift handle was shot anyway, I took the shaft and handle to the bandsaw, which chewed the end of the shaft right off. Since I wasn't going to be raising or lowering any FRONT implements with the lift, I didn't need the handle segment sticking out anyway.

Went to slide the lift arms onto the shaft, and noticed that the non-lift-cylinder side had a pretty badly worn-off pin...

Hmmm... I hate it when something stupid holds up my progress... I don't have another one, so I'll fix this one. First, look in the scrap-bucket for a piece of rod-stock closest to the original pin's size... boy, am I glad I parted out all them junk printers!

Cut off the end of the old pin...

Bore out the inner old-edge...

Cut a chunk out of an old printer shaft, and turn it down to proper OD, drill it for a cotter-pin...

Weld the pin in

Not bad

Hit it with some paint... Done!
Jeff "R",
Just put some duct tape over the hole and then put a skim coat of JB weld on 'er. Yup the cigarette lighter was a option, but you don't need/want it. I'll send you my address to send it to.

Oh, you know that I don't smoke, so I really don't need it. Just send me your address and I'll get it out to ya, sometime in the next 30 to 40 years.
BTW, I knew that it was an option, I was trying to ask if it was a "real" IH option or just another "cigarette lighter" from Wal-Mart automotive... Thanks for the info...
I am going to try and get the lights working on the 123 today. Kraig paosted this, but I was wondering if anyone had one that was more accurate. What I mean by more accurate, what terminal on the Voltage regulator does it plug into. Does the wire plug into the solenoid? Color of the wires. etc.
Jeff R ,I have a new old stock lighter ,I will take a look and see if its the same as yours.
Jeff R,
The 123 is looking pretty good. Good luck with the lighting project.
How much was left of the connecting rod in that 10 horse?
Is the address in your profile accurate? I had a question.
Look at your light diagram again. It looks like the power comes off of the starter solenoid via wire #8. The fuse location tells you that #8's the main power lead.
I need help from the pros, I have installed a new crank (with the bolt not the nut on the flywheel end) and I can't find the correct part number or locate a half-moon or woodruff key to fit the crank correctley?? Can anyone help with this????
Jeff, the Clip between the headlights is attached to the top bolt on the regulator. The wire #2 is just the ground. In my book, the PINK wire on the bottom of the regulator is a ground wire from the battery.

(Message edited by jlang on March 07, 2004)
Ah, as Foghorn Leghorn would say, "good kid but he don't pay attention..."

Jeff -

One more time, since you apparently missed it the first time, here's an NOS <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> lighter:
David D: Like most things here - NO answer can be given without a model & serial number of the engine!!!!

Also we have no clue as to the hp of the engine which also may affect the information. Ya gotta help us so we help you...
Myron B
I was thinkin that 99% of old Kohlers were 1/4" wide and 3/4" to 7/8" long. Am I all wet in my thinkin?
As you can guess by now, I'm not making it this weekend. I was overnight in the hospital Thurs. and am just hanging out at home this weekend. I'll contact you whether or not this weekend looks good.
Quick revisit to cylinder head and gasket quesion posed earlier in the week - Pulled the head off, found that two of the bolts were not bolts but threaded rod with nuts and lock washers - right at the point the gasket blew out. Needless to say the head is shot, twisted out to the point you can even see the warp in cooling fins on top of the head. So new head and gasket are in order, and going to try and pick up and replace the two bolts also.

Questions are: 1) Everything looks ok on the block, because of the threaded rod anything I should be concerned about or look at? As mentioned I am hoping to replace with standard bolts.
2) was cleaning off the cylinder head and valve tops and general area with brake cleaner and a rag - can I use any throttle body cleaner and a small tootbrush or brass brush or would that be a No No?

After the engine is running its to the trans - fill plug is stuck in plate - if not one thing, another. Oh well, keeps me off the streets.

Thanks everyone,

Ted: Sorry to see your Spot is lookning for a new home - know Spot would made a great addition to any family.