Thanks for the response to my query regarding MMO and whether or not to crack open the engine to clean the carbon. I found your post on the previous page, and your discussion from Aug. 13 2010. You and Kevin Hill were really dusting it up, with Donald Tanner stirring the pot, er, chipping in.
In fact, I followed "Carbon AND Deposit" all the way back to July 25, 2004 where Steve Blunier "Mr. Plow" offered his thoughts.
For my part, I agree with Steve (and even Kentucky Ken) that MMO is best used to prevent catastrophes, not fix them. If I needed a quick fix to an acute problem on a machine I could "spare," I might try the water treatment. But for right now, I'm going to monitor the engine's performance. I'll be sure to idle it before cutting it off, especially when its hot, watch for any back-fire or run-on and run MMO in the gas, not the oil, if only for its stabilizing effect.
I'm running MMO in my Chevy S10 with over 180,000 miles on it, and I swear it has more power, as if frozen rings were freed up. But then I've been getting injector errors too. Kraig would probably tell me that the errors are simply proof that the MMO is working, and he may be right.
Anyway, I'm going to continue to use it in the fuel, soften up the carbon, and when the time is right, open up the cylinders to clean, inspect, and measure "to see exactly what I've got."