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Archive through June 20, 2007

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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My mower deck belt is a little loose.

38" non cast iron ends.model 86 tractor.

this is <u>not</u> the pto drive belt, it's the belt that stays with the deck.

I checked the FAQ's and did'nt see anything.

The outside front wheel bearing on my 104 gave out. The steering knuckle is grooved where the broken bearing rode on it. Is it neccessary to replace the knuckle or just put a new bearing in the wheel and call it good?
Been loading up stuff about all day.
Matt H,
The idea is to have a specific gap between the lifter and valve. You say you have O gap simply hold the lifter with the right size wrench and turn the adjusting nut into the lifter until the gap opens up. Now for the adjustment. Roll the engine over until the lifter goes full up and full down. You want the lift part of the cam away from the lifter, at this point use the feeler gage and set the gaps according to spec.
I found some posts from October 2002 by Mark Canova and Pat Irlbeck concerning adding power steering to older Cadets. Mark had a great posting on how he added power steering to his 104. Pat provided some good information on what he did to his 782D.

I was giving some thought to doing something similar to my 102.

I don't recall seeing any recents post from these two folks. Does anyone know if they are still active on the forum?
Terrence W.
Your gonna have to add a hydraulic pump to your 102.
All you need is a rotary valve the right length, some lines to tap into the pump for the cylinder to use to turn things and tons of patience.
Don't know if you guys saw this, but we've been having heavy rains the past couple days in parts of Iowa. We only had a total of about 3 inches at my place, but just about 40 miles South they had 9 to 10 inches! Marengo Iowa made the weather channel this morning and they had to shut down the town I guess. Could be as bad as 1993, maybe worse. I have some collector friends in Marengo and hope they made it OK and are on High ground.

Keep those sump pumps working guys!

Now for some eye candy for you guys. I met an interesting guy the other day and he has quite a collection of stuff.
Neat Stuff at John N's place!

I also updated my profile and fixed the link to my photo albums,
Note: Profile changes successfully saved!
Cab Info:
Met the seller of the Cozy Cab I bought via e-bay everal months back, not like the 782D seller, he delivered as agreeded, to pick-up the cab in Northern Missouri. I now need to see if somebody has some pictures of a similar cab mounted on a 782. This cab was mounted on a 782, but I think it was originally on maybe one of those grass colored things. I need to see how it is mounted under the foot rests and what the front looks like on each side. I am going to have to fabricate some pieces. Also, interested in the swing out part so you can open the hood.

This came from your neck f the woods. About 30 miles from Albert Lea. Seller told me of the deal of the century for a 782D...$500...only needed starter. Owner thought the engine was toast...gave it away to the mechanic for the $500 figure...