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Archive through June 13, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
Edward Tifft
I have a 1650. I was having issues with the engine running rough, back firing, etc...

I confirmed that there is no mouse nest anywhere.

I replaced the points, but now it will not start. It will start with old points, but not the new points. The contacts on the new points are connecting. The contacts on the new points are smaller in diameter than the old points. Would that make a difference?

I know I'm not nearly as experienced as most of you, so please let me know if there is a "trick" to installing the points properly.

Thanks in advance for any help....

Edward, when you say "connecting', does that mean a nice blue spark?. Often times new points have some sort of "goo" on the contact surfaces to keep them looking nice in the packaging. Try cleaning the contacts with a points file, piece of emery cloth or a one hundred dollar bill. Let us know if that helps. And as Mick stated, make sure they are adjusted to specs. I'd have a new capacitor on the stand by with a nice shiney place on the motor tin to mount it also.
The painted seat back. (from an angle) any suggestions on what to put on that big area??

Timothy, I belive any one of the sponsors in the brightly colored boxes above will have them in your hands in a couple of days if not overnight.
Richard thats a good looking 129 I am currently redoin g mine got the fenders and frame painted now i am working on the hood and the rest of the white stuff. then get the deck worked on a little
Way to go Mick.... I know Kendell runs a 129 also and after Hydro Harry said that the 129 is the best all around machine IH made in the period you couldn't have chosen a nicer unit.(my opinion) LOL.
YMMV. Kendell...... yea'........ but after all of the parts I've acquired from C.C. Specalities maybe a decal like this, below, may be appropriate........ And I must say that I've gotten parts from most of the sponsors above. All are great.... it's just ..... well... I like Charlie's smile and he has left body parts in places that deserve recoginition and more recoginition. I'ts flag day Sat. Lets all celebrate .

Digger......... you the man with what you are doing.You should be proud.


Hi Graeme, I couldn't resist. I did try to find a pic of a pan with IH markings to use but came up short. Ya know.....I've seen ALOT of real cool custom off road stuff come from down under

Think I just got myself into a nice Zgrill...should be getting a 73 real soon. May have to restore this one, it seems to be in real nice shape, sans fenders but thats ok. 7hp will feel weird, wonder if it will spin a 42" deck.
The forum is slow.... I want to add to my post below that the Rev. and Brian started this many years ago.
Ball busters both... but you knew what the deal was.
Rev....... you out there.Brian....... I miss the shredding. So many folks have come and gone.

Comments on this post.??
Thanks guys ill try setting the govenor by the manual. It does almost seem like it isn't functioning at all. I thought it could also be the high speed adjustment. but it seems that when the throttle linkage is moved from idle to Wide open throttle, that the linkage doesn't even move that much. I just want to get this fixed before using it and don't want to harm the engine. Thanks, Josh
Richard "T",
So you want you balls busted!?!?!?

I've been here a few days too
and let me tell ya' Charlie <font size="-2">(And Art)</font> can bust 'em as good as anyone!
The AC voltage is now 24-40 volts AC and it varies with the rpm of the motor. However, the DC voltage output was 0. I replaced the voltage regulator as the service manual suggests. The DC terminal only reads .5 volts DC after replacement of the regulator. Am I getting voltage at the wrong place which is blowing the voltage regulator? Does anyone have a ladder logic diagram for the electrical system that would make trouble shooting easier?


Mike Hulvey


The AC voltage check is considered to be at 3600 RPM's or WOT. Sounds like you have that.

The DC Voltage is tested under the same condition. NOW....bear in mind, that this V/R " <u>HAS</u> to be grounded. From the case of the V/R to the negative terminal on the battery, there should be zero (or near zero) ohms resistance. Check the grounding from the Battery to the Motor!

Here is a Charging System Diagram...

Here is a Schematic for the Q/L's.

Josh make sure that the govenor is adjusted all the way to the left. That is your starting point. Those things are pretty sensitive when the g. rod has been moved to the right that makes the motor run faster.

Richard T: Very nice looking tractor; great job. Yep a big IH on the top of the seat back and a small IH placed in the middle next to the bottom edge of your rear fender housing.

in charlie's cubfaq, whT is the CaC12 mentioned? i would like to add weight to my front end without using the hang on type.
Brad C.-

Calcium Chloride. I wouldn't use that, as it will eventually rust out the rims on your tractor. Unfortunately, it may not add too much weight; I don't think you'd be able to get more than a gallon or so in each one.
i understand. any suggestions? my 129 really bounces alot, and i lose control of the wheel.
Hey folks, new to the forum here - and a new cub cadet 682 owner. I am using the cub mostly for mowing. When I got the tractor a couple of weeks ago, the deck needed a lot of cleaning up, blade replacement, and tuning to get it level. Also I had to fix the alignment on my lift handle to the rock bar so that I could raise the blades above 2.5 in. in position 6. I'm now able to get 4.75 in. in deck lift - a big improvement. So far, so good, thanks to a lot of help from this forum.

Now on to my dilema. Since completing my deck tune-up, I keep blowing fuses, seeing smoke (electrical), and hearing my wiring "cook" each time I flip the PTO clutch switch to engage the mower deck. I'm no expert on wiring, so I could use all the help I can get to move forward with this one. Anyone know what I might have done wrong or where to go from here?

Thanks in advance

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