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Archive through June 13, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Nick, the not secret trick is /image{left bracket then right bracket}with any name within those brackets. Host will come back and let you browse your computer for what you want to post. Double check FAQ 22. I managed to fiqure it out, you will too....:)
Any Red Power Round-up photos yet?

Travis, How are you and all the Iowa forum members doing with all the water? According to the news 95% of the state is in disaster mode.
I have an electrical problem that is driving me nuts. My son broke the key off in the switch on my 123. I replaced the switch (and yes the terminals match) but it will not start not even turn over. I have replaced the solenoid and it makes no difference. I have made sure that the wires are in the right position according to the schematic in the parts catalog. I have even made sure the brake pedal is depressed (safety switch) and that makes no difference either. What am I missing?

Tom, are you sure the contacts in the switch are the same? If you still have the old switch and the key was fully inserted it might still work with a screw driver. You could either use an ohm meter and check that the two switches are functionally the same or you could hook the old switch up and see if the Cub will start. It is also possible that the old wire was corroded and when you flexed it to replace the switch that a wire broke off inside the insulation. Were the contacts in the switch connector at all corroded? Might have to spend some quality time with an ohm meter and see if the wires are all still good.

I will try the ohm meter, but there are a couple of splices in the wire harness in the area of the plug for the key switch. I wonder if this is a problem and a new harness will solve the problem. I am really getting frustrated. Electrical problems can be a nightmare.

Hey Guys. The service manual says to use SAE 80 transmission oil in the tiller right angle gear box. Is this what everybody is using? Thanks.
Well, a new to me toy made it up from South Carolina. Thanks Lyle. It's a little big, hehehe, 15". Been thinkin of a way to make it work.
Some time with Paint.net and I came up with this, puts it at 11.5", still need to do something about the fast hitch though. Think it will work ? Any criticism is welcome.

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