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Archive through June 07, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Tractor Forum

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Russel, It works just fine, you should be happy. Just don't plan on running headlights or much else or you will empty the battery. The pump only runs to keep spray pressure. Try setting up a boom arm with 3-5 nozzles so you can cover some ground. A shutoff will let you shut off the boom and only use the hand wand when you want.
You will want to buy your spray at the farm stores though, you will be using more when it gets to be more fun! Mine just mounts on the rear hitch and lift like a three point. Have fun!
Does any one know which Cub a mower deck with the ID numbers of 482 U1116 will fit?
Charlie P. Dang it anyway. To think that I knew of a 102 with spacers similar to those. I should have bought the critter just for those spacers only with all the rain keeping the grass growing lately I don't have enogh time to do any extra Cub projects. I have a pickup load of Cub stuff that I haven't had any time to sort through and another three pickup boxes and a trailer full of items to bring home yet. Between trying to help a late friend's family tidy up his property, work, mow our lawn and working around the frequent rains the summer is flying by.
Yep, he's pretty high up. If he gets nailed, we're all in trouble!
Course I was beginning to wonder yesterday myself, we got 5 1/2".
It rained so hard and was so windy yesterday afternoon, that I could not see anything more than 100' from the house. When it finally let up, my garden was under water. It soaked in after a little while. The good old rain gauge only registered .2" of rain. Part of the field behind my house is still under water and then we got another storm this morning and now the pond in the field is bigger.
I have been having problems with my 109. I have went through 2 coils in 3 weeks. When the 1st one went a couple weeks ago, I figured it was old age since it was still the original one from when I bought the 109 over 10 years ago. So I took the coil and newer condensor off the bad 149 engine. It ran great last week and then after about 1 hour mowing, it started backfiring and trying to quit yesterday. So I parked it and jumped on the 129. I mowed for about a half hour and broke the drive belt on it. So I got out the meters to see where I had power and found the coil was bad on the 109. I stole the one off my 125 and finished mowing the lawn. I am waiting to see how long this one lasts since it was originally on my 106 and don't ever remember replacing it in the 18 years that I have owned it. I will be ordering some parts tomorrow just so I can keep things running. With all this rain the past week, I know this lawn is going to be really growing.
Wes, maybe you should put a meter on your generator and be sure you dont have more than 13.5 volts coming out. I suspect that could be a possible problem, among others. JMHO
Paul - thanks for the inline filter tip. I don't know if this is a real problem yet. The auto parts guy knew what I was using it for... I don't know if B&S is sold in Topeka but I will look around. Probably should go to a small engine shop - not the auto parts store.

Shane - my local hardware store (with many, many trays of various screws) did not have anything that would work to attach the butterfly plate back on the throttle shaft. They would start in okay but then stop turning like the threads didn't match.

Just got a 109 with deck, front blade and original booklets (three of which are for the front blade). The blade subframe does not hook up to my machine. Is this a wide frame/narrow frame thing and I got the wrong subframe? What is the best remedy? I'm a newby with Cub Cadets and love the way they are built. I apologize if this question was already answered but I couldn't find it.
Got my new foot plates installed this weekend. I admired the look of these on other forum members tractors so decided to purchase a set from CC Specialties, one of our site's sponsors. Wish I'd have done this years ago...I really like the look. Very nice quality and they fit perfectly. Thank you Charlie!
Kent W:
Try a hobby shop that has RC Models and Trains - they have an almost unlimited assortment of small hardware.. Some body posted the thread size on those in the last couple of days..

David: How the heck to you get the primer to stick to that anodized aluminum ??
On the topic of the fuel filter; I have been using the in line filter for an old Volkswagen Beetle and have no problems. They are stepped so that they work on 1/4" and 5/16" line. You have to tell the 'parts' person this or they will give you a blank stare. ;)
That is the Cub axle extentions that are in the parts book, but as you know, are not the same as the ones in question
Paul B.
Yepper, but I thought it odd that it was brought up at the same time I was throwing some yellow on mine.

As soon as I get the ones in question painted up, I'll post a pic.
I had a batch made up about 4 years ago, but they're gone now (except for my 3 sets).


I think Robb Kruger had some more made up awhile back, so check with him as he may still have some.
Remember,no matter where you go on yer cub cadet,there you are...
Somehow the lock nut on my 50C deck back out and has to be replaced. The CPE-2 Parts List describes it as "102 609 R1 Nut, 3/4-NF P/T Lock Type 5 -3-". I understand it's a 3/4" National Fine thread, Lock nut, Type 5 hardened, and 3 of them are used. What does the P/T mean?