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Archive through July 13, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2006
Wichita, KS
Matt Gonitzke
That archive bug sure likes me lately...

I am slowly making progress on my loader subframe. I'm mostly happy with the axle clamps now, and I've got one done, and the other about 75% done. I had to cut both and weld them back together to get match the profile of the axle tube correctly.




I'd be further, but yesterday one end of one of the shifter cables in my car broke off, so I was stuck in reverse...had to take half the inside of the car apart and duct-tape the shift linkage back together so the car could be driven home. It took most of yesterday afternoon and this morning to get everything put back together. Cubs are much easier to work on than modern cars...
Yes!!! Duck tape rules!!!! (BTW - it was Duck Tape before it was duct tape and it's another fine Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing development, like masking tape!!) Never leave home without it...

Actually, I think it was Gorilla<font face="symbol">®</font> brand Duct Tape. That stuff is REALLY sticky...I had fun getting it off afterwards...
Jimmy, you sound like an intellegent person. Acording to your posts, you have replaced or varified every (to me) normally looked at problem area. Except the coil, Have you checked the coil with an ohm meter? Have you checked voltage at the coil while it's dieing? If it were me I would replace the coil either with a new one or a known good one.
PAUL B. - Read your comments on the two 10/12 HP flywheels. Interesting comparison. I'm actually surprised by the weight difference. Three pounds is a LOT of added weight on a little engine like a K241/301.

I remember Wyatt made a post years ago about differences in flywheels he had, think they were the same K241/301's you compared. But his were all the same weight if I remember correctly. But the one had the weight closer to the outside so would act "Heavier".

I know Kohler made an "Increased Cooling Pkg" for the early K241's. But from my old parts books it seemed like it was modified tins to let more air flow around the head & cylinder. No change in FW involved in the pkg.

The original origins & spec numbers on the K241 and K301 I had in the CC72 I have and the 129 I sold are long gone. The flywheel on the 301 that was missing five of the twelve cooling blower vanes all in-a-row "MAY" have been the original flywheel but I wouldn't bet on it. Dad got me another flywheel and it's actually on the K321 in the 72 now. It really seemed to move air compared to the K241's FW.

The BIG FW, blower housing & back plate are on a 129 down somewhere in central ILL I think, maybe in "Blunier Country".
Terry B., good looking garlic there! Mine is just about ready to harvest. It got off to a great start this year and seems to be a week to a week and a half ahead of any past year I've grown it. Bummer about the hydraulic cylinder, good to hear you were able to save it. Hey! Where are the garage progress update photos?

Allen, Paul B., oh sure now I'm back to having to dig out that K321 flywheel to see if the weight relieving holes are near the T and S stamps.
what guage wire is typical of the wire attaching to the battery. My new battery has the positive where the negative is supposed to be and I've got a splice a piece on. . .
Anyone out there have a Carb for a 782 w/a K17 series II motor? It currently has a Walbro (wgh431408)on it.

I know this is the wrong place but I'm in a jam and need everyone to see the post. Sorry.
Steven, Depending on when it was built, this might be the right place, Did you have anouther question besides if anyone else had one?
Leo someone might correct me but ive used 6 gauge wire
The wheel on the left weighs 19 lbs on my cheap Wally-World bathroom scales, and the one on the right weighs 22 lbs. The left one is the earlier of the two I believe. I have another one of the heavy ones and since I mess with the early narrow frames more so than the later models, maybe the heavy one is earlier. I have a engine from a 108 to tear down, I'll see which style is in it.
PAUL - Thanks for the picture. I drug my highly accurate Wally-World scale out to the shop and weighed the flywheel from my old K241 I got out of Dad's old 104 years ago. It's got the configuration like the one on the right, but it only weighs 19 pounds. I seem to remember the pic's Wyatt posted showed different configurations on the back side of the FW, closer to the blower plate. My K241 FW is flat & recessed about 1/2" from hub to the outer rim.

It would seem to me with the taller fins your FW on the left would move more air.

I wish I'd have taken pic's of the FW in my K321 that I took out of the K301 in my 129. I think it was similar to the one on the right. I'm also thinking I should have taken pic's of the larger K321 FW and weighed it too. I seem to remember it being like the one on the right. And I don't remember it being noticably different in weight.
I have been working on a hydraulic lift kit for an Original. I needed a pump bracket. After hunting and watching eBay I decided to make one. Visiting the old scrap iron pile out back and using the old hacksaw, hammer, and file, this is what I came up with. It fits great. A little kidding on the tools used . I still have a part or two to make. One is the clevis that threads onto the cylinder. If someone has one would they please measure it for me, overall length and slot size (L&W). Thanks in advance, Dave
Denny, from the archives:

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

By Wyatt Compton (Wcompton) on Monday, February 11, 2002 - 07:37 pm:

Interesting Cub fact for the day:
large flywheels are differnt

I've been tearing apart some engines scavenging parts for a engine to go in the project tractor. The engines I've torn down are all K321's, one is from some sort of AC/Simplicity, a 149, and a 1450. One differnce that is a given is that one is machined for magnets and the other isn't. The ones from the AC and 149 are the same except for the magnets and machining in the center of the flywheel, the one from the 1450 is a totally differnt beast, at least as looks would have it. The flywheels in the following pictures there is the clean flywheel from the AC, and yet to be cleaned flywheel from the 1450.

Note in this picture the flywheels are the same thickness from the fromt to back, BUT the one from the 1450 has longer fins and as a result a thinner flywheel.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>


<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Next, a straight on look at the flywheels. Note the differnce in pitch of the fins, also note that the "clean" flywheel has 18 fins while the one from the 1450 has 20. <!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>


<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Last, is a shot from the back. One would assume from everything I've told you that the 1450 flywheel is lighter, not necessarily true. Though I don't have a scale they feel about the same. This doesn't mean they have the same inertia, I would assume that the "clean" flywheel pictured would have more since it has more mass toward the O.D. Note that the area between the OD and the magnets on the clean flywheel is empty while on the 1450 flywheel it's filled.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>


<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

What's all this mean? It means now I need some questions answered; is the flywheel on the 1450 specifically designed to work with the "quiet" style shrouding? By the looks of it the 1450 flywheel should move much more air which will be important in the engine I'm building, I'll sacrifice a little differnce in inertia to know that I'm cooling the engine better.

(sorry for the length)<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
KRAIG - Thank-you! Can it be that was almost seven and a half years ago?
Dang Rain here again today
.So I got no work done to the Cub storage building.The list of things to do grow long. I will see if a friend can do some sand blasting for me so the 450 snow blower and my 1961 O can get finished. I don`t know when I will be able to get back at my O and get the refurb finished.
I have an oddball question. Are the post from before 2003 available somewhere?
Dave, most likely only from me, or from someone that I've shared them with and there are about 100 or so that I've sent CD/DVDs of my archives to, or from someone else that may have been saving them. I'm missing the posts between June 14, 2000 and September 10, 2001 because I was only saving the photos prior to 9/11/2001. I did save all the old Voyager posts BFG (Before the Great Crash), most but not all, of which are HERE and Bryan saved the new forum posts prior to 6/14/2000. Make sense?

If anyone out there saved the posts between 6/14/2000 and 9/11/2001 I'd sure like to get a copy...
Bryan saved from after the crash until 6/14/2000? Is that available? I've got disks 1-4 (
), but I don't remember seeing forum posts on any of 'em. I'd like to see some of the early '99 posts.....

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