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Archive through July 09, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Craig -

NP. I should add that he uses higher quality electric motor bearings. I forget the ABEC number...
I have a 128 with a rebuilt S/G, new regulator, and battery. Everything is normal for about 20-30 mins. after startup. Output is 14.5V. Then it quits charging. If I turn it off and restart, it will act right again for a while, only not quite as long, then quit charging. Repeat the the stop and start game, and it is charging again. Searched the archives, but couldn't find a similar problem. Found some not charging stuff, but it didn't seem to apply to my problem. Any ideas on how to sort this out? Thankz


How many hours till plow day??

Where in MN is it???
Rob & Charlie -

A Goat or Cow would be ideal... when the weather dries up and you don't need them any more you can cook them both up at a Cub Cadet party

(Message edited by rmunday on July 12, 2005)
NOAH - Your CC will only charge as long as it takes to replentish the energy in the battery used to start Your engine. You shut the engine off & restart and the cycle starts over. Sounds like things are working fine to Me.
Thanks Charlie, I'm still saving up for a 3pt for the 682 anyway.

Now I will have Christmass money to work with.
I vote for a MN plow day down by Charlie.


Hope i didn't just start a riot.
Thankz Dennis, I guess I should have said that it goes to discharge, not zero. I would think if everything was werking right, it would go to zero, not discharge. I don't know. I just have never seen one go to discharge even when the battery was fully charged.
I'm with Terry B, lets have a plow day down Charlies way this fall.
Don't folks already make the WFM guys <font color="119911">green</font> with envy each summer in that area?
I'm trying to secure a plot of 90 acres of bean ground about an hour and a half east of Chicago...
I have NOT gotten all the I's dotted and T's crossed but I'm trying......The only hard part is trying to work arount the Notre Dame foot ball schedule...Thinking latter part of October.....
There are two away games in a row so a rain date
{what's rain} is also possible...I hope this does'nt undermine anyone else looking at a plowday in their neck of the woods......It's not a done deal yet but I'm working on it as fast as I can.....Any input please e-mail me direct at
[email protected] Thanks......KURT

I am looking for the bolt pattern for the rear wheels, such as are they 5X4, 5X4-1/4, 5X4-1/2.
I am looking to use larger wheels on the back of my project tractor(high ride 122)and need to know if the rims listed in my Northern tool catalog, ultilities trailer 15 inch rim 5X4-1/2 bolt pattern would fit the rear bolt pattern on our beloved cubs.
Noah- If you have another ampmeter, swap them out and see. My 1250 was doing the same thing. Whatever it was, solved the problem.
As previously stated, system sounds ok.
Been too darn busy with work to talk to the person that I had in mind to have a MN Plow Day. So I vote go for it Squirrel.

Let me know if I can do anything to help.


Is your VR working correctly and consistently???
Let me find out what you find. I have a 109 that has a similiart problem. It charges fine until I speed it up to full throttle. It will also show a bad discharge. I can idle it back down and it will show it is charging again until you get above 3/4 throttle, then back to discharge. It did the same thing in the fall of 2003. I charged the v/r and it seemed to cure the problem for about a year and a half and then it popped back up again this spring. I can sometimes tap on the v/r and it will charge for a few seconds and then go back to discharge. I am thinking about taking everything off and checking all grounds to see if that may be the problem. If not, I may put a known v/r on it and see what it does then. I would think that a voltage regulator should last more than 25 hours. Since this is my designated tiller tractor and sometimes 2nd plow day unit, it does not get many hours, especially with no weeds growing due to lack of rain.
Bryan D.
You know your right a ruler would work, you wouldn't happen to have one that will reach 36 miles and still give a accutrate reading on the end I am holding.

As far as useing a serch engine on the internet I wouldn't have the first clue how to do it.

I have learned to look in the FAQ's but did not see anything there as to the bolt pattern size.

But thanks for the link to the wheel information it is most helpfull as is this site.

Thanks for the bolt pattern size, I will not be ordering the ones from Northern Tool, wrong size, looks like it will take a trip to the local salvage yard and search through the rim piles to find rims that will fit, hopefully, or this high ride project will be grounded befor it gets off the ground.