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Archive through July 09, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Matt and Tom,
I hope to be there also. I may bring my brother-in-law along again and maybe the better half. She says it depends on the weather. She has a hard time taking hot temperatures.
What is the address of the fairgrounds? I forget which road I have to turn onto off of Hwy 75.
Hmm, I don't know.
I do know how to get there but I don't know the names of the roads. I also know the fairgrounds are south of town.
On pedestals, I've seen three variations:
a) earliest, without curved slot or "tooling" hole in lower center facing operator;
b) with tooling hole, but no curved slot; and
c) curved slot and tooling hole

No official breaks in serial numbers for these that I can see. Wish I had the old “scrolls” (engineering drawings) because then we could see the revision history. Kraig, didn’t somebody have a few of those once?
Wouldja believe...

...click on "search for locations" at mapquest.com, type in FAIRGROUNDS, FREEPORT, IL and VIOLA (sic)
I goofed! My post yesterday on S/Gs was not correct. There are two versions of the S/G that are used on Cub Cadets. They are a bushing & oil cup version and the sealed bearing version with no oil cups. Other than this they are the same S/G but can have different size pulleys. Sorry if I mislead anyone.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

I know the Original and perhaps the other 7hp Cub Cadets use a different S/G.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Craig C., thanks for the info on the pedistals I knew I could count on ya. :eek:)
Has Dennis helped you guys in Illinois? I would hate to think you the growing season ended last month. I suppose if you cant use your cub to mow your lawn you could always drive it down the driveway to get the mail.

Hmmmmm, strange wet substance falling from the sky this AM in Central IL........can't quite place it.....it's been so long.........this might just be RAIN.......

Let's hope it doesn't stop anytime soon!!!!!
Terry B. -

I use mine to mow the weeds - they're the only things growing!

SB -

Good ol' Tommy Skilling forecast a potential 5". WC said 1". Hmmm...

Thus far, it's just spitting a few drops here and there. Nothing worth writing home about.

So far we're not talking gulley washers down here either, maybe 1/4"....but that's 1/4" more than we've had in the last 1-1/2 months!!!!!

At this point I'll take whatever I can get my hands on!!!!!

782 has been sitting idle for almost a month, put new front rubber on it and didn't even take time to relevel the deck......plenty of time for that before the grass needs to be mowed
Charlie ...You could always get a goat or a house cow ....Or maybe get a d$$^& and mow everyday.
Speaking of s/g's, can the old oilcup version be updated with sealed bearings?
Craig -

The S/G rebuilder that I use always replaces the bushing-style end cap with the bearing-style end cap to "uncheapen" it.

I've replaced the oil cup bearings with sealed bearings in a B&S/Delco S/G on my Simplicity 700...
Would some one please post an assembly drawing and parts number list for the chain drive sprocket, shaft, bearings, & etc. for a QA36. My QA36 manual does not have a parts listing. Ed G.
I was down to the Quad-Cities over the 4th Weekend.... grass down there was ALL brown. Why the corn & Beans were green was a mystery. Spotty scattered showers at most for the last two months. Dad said something like 6 inches short of a normal year's rainfall so far.
Just a light sprinkle here around Milwaukee today, to keep the pavement wet.