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Archive through July 05, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Does anybody have pages 2-8 & 2-14 of the 102 manual I have been printing the manual and I cant get pages 2-8 & 2-14 to come up any help would be great
Willis, you mean these two pages? If so, I can email you the high resolution versions.


Kraig did get some more parts and now all the Cub is put her back to working. This is not a restore to a showroom as cars i see. Sorry for this post to dail up guys i feel your pain.BTDT lol
Kraig those are the pages if you could send them to me that would be GREAT Thanks
Don T looking good
Where did you fing the front spindles with the 4 lug hub?
Willis, they are on their way to you.

Don, looking good!
Porter F. Odenbach (Podenbach) I cut off the studs that were there and welded utility stubs for a trailer(greasable) rated at 2200 lbs. the loader needs them . Later Don T
Well I'm not going to get the screwdrivers! I tried to justify it to the Mrs. but she wouldnt budge! She said I have enough tools. As a matter of fact she said that about Cubs, drums and cymbals, vehicles and t-shirts! I have been telling her for years that one can NEVER have enough of these things!!
Donnie Tanner: Huge gains!

Scott Stanton: 2 T-Shirts = 1 set of screwdrivers.