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Archive through July 05, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Bruce looking good! What is up with that bar stool next to the motor
Scott Stanton,

That's the main jet. Someone here said that wintergreen oil let to sit overnight will loosen problem screws like that. I'm waiting on some to be delivered to try it in the same place. I'll post my results.

I guess allen head screws are really the only sane way to go on those wide frame points cover. Not only did I drop it. A magnet could not find it. Charley Browns tree???
I am buying a IH Cub 1000 for a pulling tractor, is the 1000 and 1200 a wide frame?

Richard P. I am going to give that wintergreen oil a shot! I also saw that deer on the stool! I really only like seeing deer out in the fields or through a scope!

That whole carb needs to be re-built! Needs new needles, choke butterfly, all the gaskets and seals. The throttle linkage looks usable but kinda rough I have checked the sponsers but havent seem to have found that part! I may have overlooked it. I wish someone made a complete overhaul kit with everything minus the throttle body! Charlie maybe you might know of such a thing?
Thanks Tom

Are both frame identical? Body and frame wise what are the differences between 1000 and 1200?

I understand all transmissions interchange, wide frame to narrow frame and visa versa. Is this correct?

Sorry for all the questions, i am a newbie to all this.
What can I say about the Deer on the stool, I needed a stool and it was on sale at TSC. Now if anyone has an IH decal I can put over it...

Speaking of deer, there are several that are regulars in my field, including about an 8 point buck.

My wheels are back from the sandblaster, but it's too late to do all the masking and so on necessary to get them primed tonight, but things are starting to come together. Once she's got wheels on it and I can roll it into the garage, about all that will be left to do is to install the engine and hook up the wiring. The harness is in good shape, no sense messing with it.
Bruce I am only kidding with you. Some of my relatives know I am into tractors and such so every birthday and at Christmas time I get deer shirts, hat, trinkets etc. I guess tractor means green to most people that don't understand.
Scott...Get your self a set of gunsmith screwdrivers, they are hollow ground, they fit tighter and are less likely to slip like regular screwdrivers. They work best with soft metals like that.
No offense taken, those green machines are everywhere, in fact a guy in Boring has 3 of them for sale right now. I once walked into the local JD dealer in Westminster a couple of years ago when my dad was looking for some information on a 3020 he had for a project. They retail tractors like Harley-Davidson retails motorcycles, with toys, jackets, bar furniture, etc all for sale with a tractor or two scattered here and there.
Keith - I beleive the only main difference with the 1000 and 1200 is the 10 and 12 HP motors. If I am wrong I am sure the elders here will correct me. Also, to better distinguish them with earlier 'wide frames' they are known as Quiet Line tractors (unlike the earlier wide frames they had enclosed engines, ISO motor mounts, electric PTO, and probably other things I have forgot...)
Thanks Paul. I probally will take another look at it today. I just put seal and bearing in the creeper and it was working good. Guess that shows my mechanical ability.
RICHARD P. - Points cover R&R on a 1X8/1X9 is easy!! I had a basket-case 129 for about 15 yrs. The secret to a Kohler points cover is to slot the bottom screw hole on the cover so all You have to do is loosen the bottom screw to remove/install the cover. And FILLISTER head screws also work well to hold the points cover on, they have a deeper slot in them. And IHC was even nice enough on 1X8/1X9's to punch a hole in the frame in-line with the bottom screw.

On a NF You have to use a long screwdriver but the slotted bottom hole in the cover still makes them a breeze.

Also make sure You have a GOOD rubber grommet for the wire from the points to the coil and a good gasket sealing the points cover. I've had problems getting the correct grommet from My local CC parts dealer.

When You've been around a CC or two for 45 years like I have You find a few tips to make service work easier.

SCOTT S. - Main jet removal in a Carter carb can be a challenge. Like Brennan says, REWARD Yourself by getting the BEST set of new screw drivers You can find, or at least the best fitting one for that slot. The main jet is corroded in from the brass reacting with the aluminum of the carb body casting. For something like that main jet I prefer a screw driver with a square shank, You can hold the screw driver into the slot and turn it with a small wrench. Carefully secure the carb body in a vice to hold it steady. Don't crush the carb body by aplying too much force.

I really buggered up the main jet in the K321 I rebuilt a couple years ago and had to get a used replacement from Don Vogt. I ended up drilling the thing out and using an Easy-Out or screw/bolt extractor to get the old one out. Once I drilled the center out it was easy to remove.
Dennis F:

KH-220297-S = Kohler coil-to-points wire rubber grommet for the points cover.

To remove the main jet after soaking in PB Blaster, I use a hand held impact punch with a blade exactly the same width as the hole and as thick as the slot width. Works for me every time, with no damage to the slot in the main jet.

Myron B
Hello guys, I`am out in the shop working on my 129.I seem to have misplace a few small things lol. Been doing some head scrathing
.All the parts have had paint and now i`am trying to remember how this 129 goes back together
.Later Don T
I have got 3rd. gear stripped and the gear below it with 3 teeth off in my 124. What transmissiom and differental will fit without modifications? Thanks
Hey Don- On the 129, why not ask the guy that took it apart? Bet he could help you!!
Luther, what Kendell said, as well as one from a 70, 100, 71, 102, 122, 72, 104 and 73. Basically, any internal brake gear drive Cub Cadet.