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Archive through January 28, 2014

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Since we're going in that direction (get it...direction
A balmy -7 @ 42.2131° N, 88.2483° W
Well goggle earth gave me the wrong number last time . Here is it again and I hope it is correct lol 44deg 174 N and 64 deg 332 W
That's a lot closer Don, those last no. put you right outside the Taj Mahal temple in India. Thought you might be on vacation. I wonder if anyone has cubs there.
15 below @ 46*46'N 68*29"W
Better off than "Down South". Waiting for 'Bama, Georgia and Wayne reports.
Don't know the coordinates but here in central NC it's suppose to get down to around 6 or 7*. The record is 7* so history might be made.

We can't stand for much of this yankee weather down here.

Damn cold...
My son is stuck in Charlotte airport waiting for a flight to Jacksonville so he can report to Camp Lejune, they just told him it will be Friday,

whats up does? the cold shut the state down?
Wayne: I'm going to put Chapel Hill at
35*56'N and 79*2'W. Elev. 486'
If your Mayor's name isn't Kleinschmidt this info might be outdated.
Thanks Frank. I'll have to make a note of all the info. And to be honest, I haven't a clue nor care who the mayor is in Chapel Hill. It's so liberal and full of freaks I just don't go there much anymore.


2" of snow shuts the state down for the most part. We didn't even use to use salt but now they do so our vehicles will start looking like they come from the north. Local TV stations do nothing but report on the roads and weather until the weather breaks. And very few of the idiots here know anything about driving in the snow. I stay at home because of those people.
Well geting a bit warmer, but the trade off is there is 6"-8" comming in tonight/early AM. Better get to bed, that Ol' Cat and 30' blade @ O'Hare is calling.
Hey Tom, JD 444 with a 12' Monroe blade. We've been out 29 times this year, only had 2 days off in January. Now February is starting the same. All I say is bring on that (White Gold)!!!!
Well my 5 C/Yd Cat 980 turned into a Cat skid steer with a 10' push box. Oh well @ time and a half ALL day I can't complain.