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Archive through January 27, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Hydro leak? How much fluid defines a serious leak, I am unable to find the source of a leak which is about 1 teaspoon per use on my garage floor after sitting overnight. I have cleaned the unit and still can not find the source. I think the fan is spraying the stuff all over and this makes life more difficult.
Herbert thats not to bad of a leak it might be the cork gasket behind the hydro.some times finding a leak that can be a pain,what helps is clean it real good with brake cleaner than buy some footpowder in a spray can,spray it lighty start it up and you will see the leak.some time those leak when shut off more than running.make sure the fluid is not over full


She approves!

It is a Handy Industries Airlift. Uses my air compressor to expand a bag which lifts the unit. Locks at 3 differnt levels, highest being about 30".
Ryan i have a handylift mine is used for motorcycles i know mine is rated for a 1000 pounds but i don't have the table extensions like yours and mines has a air cyl.not a bag.it looks great with a tractor on it.congads hope it works good for ya.
Robby D-
I was at TJ Hunter's in Lansing one night and heard him play. Got a CD there and have been hooked ever since. I've heard he was up at Fish's bar, whatever it's called, but I missed it. He's pretty good in person. I think there's more truth to that song than most know!

There's a couple guys at work that have those lifts, they rave about them. . . . and being that I work at a tool comapny, it's pretty safe to put them on the level of "tool connoisseurs".
Not too sure if this is the right place, but........... I'm looking for someone that might know the diamentions for the old style IH "trapezoid" sign frame thingy that used to be out in front of IH dealerships. Maybe even a picture that can be scaled might work. I don't really want to try to climb up one.

(Message edited by thoffman on January 28, 2004)
Wyatt: Mike is going to be at the Allamakee Co fair, in July { we want to put him by the beer garden ...wonder why? }
I got lost in cyberspace there for awhile,had to re-register...
Ryan- those lifts are the SHIZNIT! Hook me up with one,eh?
Jim E.-Good to hear the Sweepster is working(somewhat). Now you know what I was talking about,"it'll work as long as you go forward ALL THE TIME"!
Took a few days last weekend and tried out the new sled in very northern Wisconsin. It was cold. Very cold. Didn't see one Cub the whole time and I was lookin'! They must've been hibernatin'.
Each one of the mechanics at work have one of those. It works great to get all those green ones up to change all those darn belts. Of course they also use them to tear apart all those Kawasaki engines to change the camshafts every 5-700 hours. Sure am glad I have those K-series Kohlers in all my units. The 106 has over 1000 hours on it. Went out tonight, fired it up, and moved the 2' drifts out of the driveway. The engine has not been touched since I overhauled it about 10 years ago.
Kenny M., long time no post! Good to see ya post again. Hope all is well.

Ryan, nice lift. Looks like the little one can't be far off! :eek:)

Scott, part #5 in the drawing is part number IH-549155-R1.


Dang this dial up is too slow!! :eek:(

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on January 29, 2004)
Hi dear cub operators........

Right now i'm rebuilding a lawn mower that i received ( as a gift when i bought an old 70 model).I need the picture of a stock lawn mower where i could see clearly the decal that start like this ; Safety first.I would like the make a reproduction of this decal and install it on the newly repaint mower.
Good day to all.Thx