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Archive through January 23, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2006
bobby l. bowman
Second try!
Nice ducks Bobby, our seasons over here in southern IL. we sank our boat last hunt of the season, ended on a bad note....lol It was 7 degrees that Sat. morning with a 15-20 NW wind at least when it filled up we were 20 yards from the bank. With some quick bailing and a little bilging we emptied it and ran it on the trailer and headed home
Got my 15 today nice day in NW Wisconsin finally!??! Bite was very slow and pounded lots of holes 3 guys and we all filled up on Pans. Several small eyes went back also.
Jerrod, nice catch! Do you guys ever use tip-ups for ice fishing?
Jason; that IS a tough way to end your season! We finished this morning;only killed two ringnecks.It was a damp 38 degrees w/15 mph winds.
Jerrod,do I spy a couple crappie in that mess of panfish?I think ya'll call 'em specks or white perch,maybe?Going after a few next weekend @ Lake Eufuala,Al.
Brian, yes I do use tip ups. We were jigging so it was hard to put them in. Next thing you know you are couple hundred yards away (Danger Ranger don't like that) covering alot of ice. With the new emergency minnow rule in effect makes it a little more difficult if not costly to do both at same time.
Emergency minnow rule?
In Maryland, you are allowed 5 tip-ups per person. We would each set up our limit and stand around together BSing. When a flag would go up whoever got there first would get to bring the fish in. Of course a lot of tripping, tackling and running was involved. Lots of fun but then again I was 15 years younger.
Today's harvest.An 18lb.,9-inch beard Eastern.He had three friends with him,and he was the smaller bird!

Look what was under my bird feeder last night. Sure wish I had a permit for the spring hunt.

Man, I wouldent know what do do if I didn't have a permit and walked up on one.
These critters have been hanging around the place all winter.
Another successful hunt!


I love huntin' them turkey birds!
Nice turkey Bobby.

If that had been me......you would see an ear to ear smile.

I've only been turkey hunting a few times and I've yet to bag one.
Brian;..turkey hunting ain't so hard.Just wait for 'em to walk in front of your shotgun and squeeze!
No turkey today;called up a good bird for my hunting buddy,but he couldn't take the shot.But I did step on a four-foot cottonmouth;which is now deceased!
Nice Turkey Bobby, nice job on the cotton mouth too never seen another snake with as much aggression and nastiness as a cottonmouth. It is funny to watch my old man when we come across one he comes undone tryin to get away with his bbowlegged runnin skills....LOL
Jason;thanks!Killed another three footer this morning in the same spot!They love the beaver pond I have to cross;I think the snakes are baiting ME with turkeys!