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Archive through January 14, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Matt Gonitzke
how many times do you answer a question and not know the whole question ??? don`t make me wrong or you right !We can only answer a question based on what we understand to be the question. I won`t give out misleading info , just facts. I think he is talking about a cylinder leak.He will have to explain what he means.
Matt Gonitzke

Charlie or now kraig can now
this post,. But frank snerd (Fsnerd) needs a friend to get his tractors running.Do not think that everyone is capable of doing what is needed to run a working Cub and understand something we take as written in stone.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Do not think that everyone is capable of doing what is needed to run a working Cub<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>


Don't think everyone isn't capable of doing what is needed. He's got the service manual and asked for helpful hints and tips...it sure sounds to me that he is more than capable of doing it himself, especially after what that 128 has been putting him through. Say what you want, but when someone comes here for help, it isn't very helpful to tell them they can't do it and to take it to someone who can, especially for something relatively straightforward like this. We certainly wouldn't tell someone to 'take it to someone who knows what they're doing' when rebuilding a clutch, replacing the cork gasket in a hydrostatic transmission, etc. I thought the whole point of this forum was to help other people learn how to fix things that they haven't had to fix before. After all, we have an FAQ full of things like that to show people how to make various repairs, from simple fixes to more complex repairs. I know I would be pretty miffed if I asked a question about a repair I hadn't had to perform (Like a PS column leak on my OT 1872...I'm sure it's inevitable) and was just told to take it to the dealer or something. I think it would be better to let the person asking the question decide for themselves what they are and aren't capable of doing, rather than making that decision for them.
Man I wish I had some popcorn smilies.

Frank do you use a snow thrower on your cub for snow? if you dont have a blade Watch for one I started out with a 128 w/snow throw but found I needed a creeper gear so I got a 1200w/creeper and that worked great.

But I found a Hydro and a blade and now I really prefer 129w/blade
and since we all like pictures
It sounds to me like ole Frank can handle his issues. That's why I suggested for him to just rebuild the pto for instance. That's how I learned years ago. The second one is a lot easier to fix if you fix the first one yourself. This is also why we have manuals. I think if you can read then you can learn to fix a lot having to do with a cub. I learn something every time I read the manual regardless of the topic.

Also, a lot of the time it's just a matter of having the time and money to get an issue resolved moreso than lack of know-how.

.02 worth
Frank Snerd: Your profile gives us no idea of your age or what you do for a living. I'm on dial up, so/and don't do videos. We want so badly to help, but it seems like (we yearn) to get together and do this hands on. You, being in New Haven, CT, might have friends that you don't even know of, yet. Think Zagray Farms and Colchester CT and if this post makes no sense to you my email's in my profile.
Frank A. Currier(Northern Maine)

Look for new section in the sand box ?. my restore Charlie will make a place for all of us working on our Cubs ,. share what you have learned .
Where can I get CC service bulletins, particularily service bulletin CC194?

or anyone know anything about LP cub cadets?
I've seen the pic of your 147LP.Seems like i've seen LP conversion mentioned in a book somewhere. Is it a I.H. item, or a KOHLER or aftermarket.I find all the differant add ons and the differant attachments available for cub cadets interesting to say the least.
Norm B.
I've been scanning SB's for a long time and have about 200 done and about 400+ to go, but I don't have them loaded up yet.
I'll take a look and see if I can find that one pretty easy. If not, it will have to wait until I get'um uploaded to the manual site.

Maybe Paul or Myron have it handy.

Rod S.
From the information I have, there were no less than 6 companies that made after market L.P. kits for Cubs.
The one I have is one of 12 that came out of the factory as a special order.
Other than that info, I've not dug into it any further. Something about not enough hours in the day.
i got the 147 engine rebuilt installed and running great. i also purchased a qa42, which im very pleased of its performance after removing the chute fingers. still doesnt out-throw a 2 stage but it will throw better than my jd 37a. it also doesnt clog easily and will go through anything. i love the hydrostatic transmission and the control-ability. this tractor is a beast and was worth every penny of the work and the attachment. i also have a solid lead on a deck that can hook me up before the spring. i will keep the jd and might do a full restoration of both, but i doubt i will be using it too much. the cub is much stronger, not saying the jd 112 is a bad tractor but saying that the cub is that much better. i also did a full transmission service with fluid change and filter. it needs a new fan, which is missing one blade. i have a new one on order. the fuel tank was leaking, and it has been replaced with a good used tank from ebay. the pto clutch is hooked up and opperates properly.

i really am impressed with this tractor's power and plan on keeping it for a lifetime, who needs anything else. engine runs fantasic and has plenty of power. these really are some of the best garden tractors ever built.

now a couple more little projects. i have to address the wirring harness soon. its dry-rotted pretty badly. i have 2 options, a NOS wirring harness or make one myself. i would like to make one myself, since it is probably cheaper and i would avoid all of that cloth rapped garbage they made them out of. i have all of the wirring diagrams in my service manual.

i would like to add an hour meter and eventually a tach(like the one kirks engines sells). i dont know if there is room on the dash for the tach. it would be nice to have the hour meter on the dash, but it is not nessary. i could mount it anywhere. i just want to be able to keep track of the maintaince better. i really like that tach that kirk's sells, its kind of expensive but makes the tractor look more like a farm tractor. i would like to be able to know when that engine is at 3,600 and not have to guess.

Thanks. I'm glad to hear that you plan to make them available on the forum. That would be something everyone could take advantage of.
andrew dononhue

This is a cub site
and what did I read in your post.............(2 stage but it will throw better than my jd 37a) I don`t think IH made that model.Please don`t try to compare Green to yellow and White, I`am not aloud to set you straight on who will win !
i believe i said that my 147 runs circles around my other tractor. i wont mention it again. just saying how much i love the cub and that i think very highly of it. wish i had bought one a long time ago. i really, really enjoy the cub. anything short of an IH cub is over-rated.

now about that wirring harness? make a new one myself or buy a NOS unit? what about a tach from kirks? anyone ever mount one of those in a narrow frame? is there enough room on the dash for it. im thinking about buying an hour meter for $18. i just like to know how many hours im putting on it so i can maintain it better.
did I start a fight? sorry.

the short version of my story is, I bought the 128. it stalls. replaced, adjusted everything, except the exhaust valve.
to fix it, I need to take it out of service and I need a tractor.
so, I bought the 129. the 129 has a PTO clutch, but no linkage.
while deciding if I should put the 129 engine into the 128, I realized I needed to know if the PTO clutch worked, or just take it off and put the 128 clutch on.
but the 129 PTO clutch set screws are stuck and need to be drilled out.
so, I thought of putting the 128 PTO linkage on the 129, to see if the clutch works and use it while the 128 is repaired. but the 129 does not have a thrust button.
then it snowed. a lot. then it snowed again, a lot.
so I was trying to get something running just for now.
the problem is not that I dont know how to fix them, but which is the one to fix? and which engine to keep. and which PTO to keep. or fix both tractors. and there is a lot of snow out there.
I could buy a plow blade, but I cant get the truck out of the driveway to go pick one up with out a plow blade to clear the driveway.
and a snow blade wont do much when the snow at the entrance of the driveway is taller then the tractor.

I have finally decided to stop trying to get a tractor ready for snow and shoot for cutting grass instead.

the PTO clutch on the 129 will be drilled out and repaired/replaced first. PTO linkage moved to the 129.
now I can cut grass while i fix the 128.

that is my story.

now stop fighting. I am not that important.
ANDREW - Great news about your 147. I've been following your progress on some other forums. Don't worry about mentioning your Other tractor, I noticed the last day or two some people were mentioning Other tractor brands on that other site a L-O-T, even though I didn't particularly like what they were saying. I thought I got away from all that BS over 20 yrs ago when I moved away from Moline, IL.

Yep, a Hydro CC & snow blower makes a good snow moving machine.

I've got hour meters on two of my 3 CC's and a engine driven (mechanical) tach, hour meter, & speedometer on my Super H, and will add another tach/hour meter to the M eventually, it's not hard with 400/450 Farmall parts. And the CC 70 will get an hour meter & tach as well.

The tachs on the CC's will come from Dave Kirk. I've shopped for tachs for CC's for over 30 yrs and dozens of different mfg's and the ones Dave offers are exactly what's needed.

Your correct, the hour meter can go anywhere, you only have to look at it occasionally to keep track of maintenance. The tach has to be constantly visible. It might fit in the dash in a hole cut into the panel but I was thinking of making a bolt-on box for mine, something bolted on down by the frame & base of the steering console/colume. I'd like to fit a couple other gauges into it as well, like cyl head & oil temp, I'd like EGT also but not sure how well that would work on a single cyl engine.

Now that you've got your 147 running good it's time to start customizing/restoring it! Far as the wiring harness, you could make your own, I would NOT buy a used one, only if it was NOS, never installed. By the time you buy all the different sizes & colors of wire, and connectors, and convoluted conduit or other wrapping, I think it would be almost cheaper to BUY one custom made. They are available.

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