My pump was from nothern tool and a 4 to 8 gallon a minute . so at a idle it is slow and as the rpm`s get higher it does speed up and move faster. I bought way to big cylinders that need more fluid to move them ; So at 1/2 throttle if I pull the lever to lift and move the bucket one function will slow down because the pump can not keep up with the fluid need to run both.I think the Johnson loaders have a small cylinder bore and would need much less fluid for movement than the cylinders I have . So a 4 to 8 gallon a minute might be great for your loader. I find I`am at half throttle a lot with the 129 loader just because it is easier to control ground speed . Remember to order your pump with the correct rotation if it will be mounted under the tractor by the quick attachment. You will need a counter clock wise pump if mounted there. Hope this info helps.
My pump was from nothern tool and a 4 to 8 gallon a minute . so at a idle it is slow and as the rpm`s get higher it does speed up and move faster. I bought way to big cylinders that need more fluid to move them ; So at 1/2 throttle if I pull the lever to lift and move the bucket one function will slow down because the pump can not keep up with the fluid need to run both.I think the Johnson loaders have a small cylinder bore and would need much less fluid for movement than the cylinders I have . So a 4 to 8 gallon a minute might be great for your loader. I find I`am at half throttle a lot with the 129 loader just because it is easier to control ground speed . Remember to order your pump with the correct rotation if it will be mounted under the tractor by the quick attachment. You will need a counter clock wise pump if mounted there. Hope this info helps.