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Archive through January 13, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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tim kiste

If you remove the air from your tires and then add your chains,After add your air the chains will stay on. CCS http://ccspecialties.org/restfenderswheels.html sells a great chain spring Peerless Chain Tighteners, set of 2 for $12.00 . I got two sets and there great.
Another ???

How high does a 1650 left a Q42 blower off the ground? When my lift was working it would only lift a couple of inches.

Matt Skadberg

I would check your pressure on the hydro . you might be putting out to much pressure. I think there is something in the Faq about what pressure you should run to that cylinder. My .02
Couldn't find anything in the FAQ's or Charlie's FAQ. Thanks for the reply though.
MATT - I think the PSI rating of the hydraulic system is stated in the service manual. On the main page of the forum with the listing of ALL the different topic forums here the manuals are at the very bottom. I'm sure the Q/L manuals are there.

I don;t have a Q/L tractor but have put my QA-36 on my #72 for several years and the manual lift raises it about 4 inches off the ground. The hyd lift on a Q/L would raise a QA-42 about the same IF the lift link from the rockshaft to the lever on the blower was the correct length.

Far as why your rockshaft lift cyl keeps breaking, we'd need to know where & how it's breaking. But as DON T says, too much PSI or lifting too much weight could cause that.
Matt Skadberg

Got company but I looked up the manual for your tarctor a 1650 and the charge pressure is 200 psi and the lift presure should be 500 to 625 psi . If your over that you could blow seals.
Thanks Kraig and Don
His set is a mixed match pair the one that stays on fits well the other is about a half link too short or too long. When we get it back on some bungees should do the trick for now. He's 13 so putting a stop block on the hydro handle would help also. But I'm sure many a 129 have had abuse from boys with grins like his.
DT & DF thanks for your help found what I needed in the manual. Is it possible that trying the run the lift cold say 40 degrees might have blown it? I didn't let the transmission warm up. If so how long should u run before using lift?
I just posted a question about the thrust button on the PTO clutch of a 129.
some of you wondered if it was a clutch with a brake, and the stud I was referring to is part of the clutch, not the remains of a thrust button after, god only knows what, the PO did do it.

I believe it is a mechanical clutch without a brake. the stud is the remains of the thrust button.
but, you guys have proven me wrong before, so, here is a video of the clutch.
what is , or was, that stud?

and, is there any way to to see if this clutch works, without the thrust button? or is remove, rebuild/replace, my only option?

I have a 129 and 128 and I am trying to decide if one should be parts for the other, or fix both.the 128 has an engine that wont stay running and I am down to trying the last suggestion you guys made, change the exhaust valve. but, I need the PTO on the 129 running before I take the 128 out of service.
the 128 works, as long as I keep it below half throttle. the 129 was bought without PTO clutch linkage, so I have no idea if the PTO clutch works.