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Archive through January 13, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Tim P welcome to the best cub cadet forum on the internet

Anytime you need parts, check the sponser buttons above also down at the bottom is a thread with manauls and one final thing use the FAQs

I personaly wont be much help as I am a wide frame type of guy but you will get your fill of original info from others on here.
The type of frame cracking you guys are discussing on Originals isn't unique to Cub Cadets. I've had two Case 180s and a Simplicity 725 with the same problem. The design of he connection is similar to the 'O'--formed flange on the sheet metal with bolts running parallel to the tractor centerline. The Case 180s are notorious for this problem.
Mark Amberman
I`am willing to bet if you take the carb off and clean it your choke won`t be needed to keep it running.I think you picked up some dirt and that has cause a poor fuel flow. the choke on slightly would cause a vacuum and help keep it running.Make sure the carburetor is tight as you could have a problem with a loose Carb btdt

Jeremiah Chamberlin

A 125 is a hydro tractor also !

Joel Danke

You can use ATF in a hydro trans with out a problem,In some respects it is better when it comes to heat produced by the pump.The only difference is ATF does not encapsulate water like Hytran will.If you ever take a hydro rear end back cover off that had some water in it,it will look like a glob of snot.That glob can be a problem when going down a hill with the tractor,it some times gets sucked fast to the suction pipe for the pump and cause the tractor to slow down. btdt

Timothy M. Pennell

Tim, you have found the best site around for information on your Original. feel free to ask questions. you will get answers when the right people see your request for help.All the pretty boxes above will get you all the parts you might need also. Welcome aboard
Hope the 7hp & 10hp engines you got from me today work out well for you and your brother.

Its always good to meet and talk with a fellow Cubber!!
Don, you just reminded me of when I did a really nice job of cleaning a housing. Left a paper towel in it overnight to get the rest of the old stuff out. Went out the next morning, put the rear cover on, filled it with TDH and away we went. Not for far. This is archived, I think. Instead of draining the rear end I took the cover plate off the top, reached down through the nice, clean TDH, and sure enough, there's the paper towel plugging the outlet. Luckily, it was a good Paper Towel, (probably Bounty), and it came out in one piece.
Frank A. Currier(Northern Maine)

When mine slowed down and I was at a loss as to what it could be, till I took the cover off and seen the glob.I check my supply of fluid today for my hydro and see I don`t have enuf to fill the 125.
Might as well add that to the list of things to get in the AM lol. That tank sure looks good and I hope it works out for you as I know you have put some time into that repair! Well this will have to be my list for the am, Charlie mentioned I should buy some Muriatic acid and the local Home Hardware does stock a quart and gallon size they said.The problem will be what I remember after the dentist appointment lol.
In the parts online catalog it states "see service bulletin CC194". Is there any place we can access all service bulletins for CC's?

I'm sure you know, but please use one of your paint respirators with that MURIATIC ACID. It is powerful and good on one hand and mean and dangerous on the other.That goes even outdoors!!
how important is the thrust button on the PTO of a 128?
can I run it for a few minutes just to see if the clutch works? or will it chew through the wear button really fast?
can the thrust button be easily removed, or do i have to disassemble the clutch?
I have a 128 and a 129. one with a thrust button, one without.
Frank, I can't imagine how to run without the thrust button or the fiber button. I dont know how you can assemble the pto clutch without the thrust button.

I do know that my fiber button went bad and the pto lever ate the thrust button real fast on my 128

And yes you have to pull the pto in order to change the button

and go with a brass button instead of the fiber one
jeff l baker -
what I have is a 128 with a working PTO, but an engine that wont stay running, and a 129 with a working engine,and a clutch, but no PTO linkage. so I have no idea if the clutch works.
I could put the 129 engine in the 128, but if the clutch on the 129 works, I would rather use the 129 and fix the 128.
so, I need to know if the clutch on the 129 works, but it does not have a thrust button, it has a stud sticking out of the clutch.
I was hoping to use the 129 while fixing the 128, but I guess I will have to pull the clutch on the 129 and fix it before I can fix the 128.

clutch on the 129 needs the screws drilled out.

Does your 129 have the brake style clutch? That would probably explain the difference. At any rate, all of the pieces need to be there in order for you to test it.
frank snerd

If your 129 is brake style ? I suggest you have a look at parts look up and you will see the stud sticking out IS what holds on the brake plate for the PTO,it has a clip on the end of that stud to hold the brake plate in place. The pto shaft up from the frame has a brake shoe.I have the brake style on my 129 loader. It works great. To bad your so far away that someone could not stop in and visit and get you up and running. I think 3hrs and both the no run 128 and none working PTO could be repaired (sorted) and working.Parts look up works for me as I can see what parts are involved and what I need to repair most problems I run into here. Good luck
Tim P
Glad to have you as part of the IH Cub Cadet family. Gotta love those "O"'s. You found a great site with tons of info and good people. Have fun with the Cub and post pictures if ya get a chance.
My boy pushing on a no school snow day.
He did well for only having chains on one tire.
He keeps throwing the other one off.
It has 46lbs of wheel weights and his 95lbs
Ignore the OT blade, he's poor.
Gotta love the SMILE!
Well I`am home from town and bought everything but hytran . I allways forget something. I did buy a ring compressor for the 125 rebuild and a file. Frank C sent me an email asking if I was starting a new post in the sand box on my 125 rebuild and I don`t know if you all would like that, my 1512 Diesel file has swelled to 379 postings.I`am iching to get at the 125 and see that tractor running and install the mower deck for this spring.The parts I picked up a few weeks ago included a lift for a 147 and now i`am think that should fit my 125
.I know I will need the right lift arm and I will get one. Thanks Guys for putting up with me !


Don, regarding your 125 refurb, I'd post them in the main forum...

Tim K., to prevent the tire chain from being thrown use two bungee cords to keep the chain tight.


I have replaced my lift cylinder last year from the guys from R.F. Houtz (Good to work with). That worked great for the summer but blew again is there something that would cause this? I know it was used so just bad luck? Can I find a new or rebuilt one somewhere? Thanks in advancde.
