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Archive through January 12, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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This one is my favorite of the 3 "what's wrong with this photo?" photos.


What happens to that muffler when you raise the bucket?
The editor apparently had a hard time making a 122 look like a 127.

loader pic is a 102 made to look like a 127 (with vertical exhaust IN the loader frame)

Ah, the AG equivalent of

Patient: Doc, it hurts when I do this. . .

Doctor: Don't do that.
Actually, I see the pipe fittings bringing the stock Kohler muffler up above the stationary front support bracket,.....still a 122/127 conversion though.
Can anyone help with drive shaft fix's on 109, and 149 have a 382 drive shaft will it work on these tractors, also saw a 149 at a lawn mower shop that had a shaft with regular u-joint that bolted to back 14hp kohler looked like it was factory.Thanks for any help.
Denny, you really have to load it to get it to smoke like that. You could set the plow at 6-7" and plow all day long and it won't smoke a bit. Till I jump on it.........
TRAVIS - I bet it takes MORE than a Heavy Hand on the Hydro lever too. I bet You Throttle down to get under the blower just a bit right? ;-) Smoke Shows are fun for sure. From what Jim D's Puller was doing at Steve's last fall, I'm surprised You were able to keep it cool.
It's funny how some engines react to turbo's. Landlord's old 8440 Deere 4X4 had an intercooled Deare 466 and if You tried to load it at anything under 1500 RPM it would bog and never pickup the load. Governed speed was 2100 or 2200. The exh. would loose velocity out the exh. and it would smoke heavily like that, (no boost!) but once wound-up like You say it was just a faint whisp now and then.
No, actually, I run it wide open. I need to check the RPM's. It's turning waaaay to high. If you watch the PD video, it shows ;-)

I had the same problem with my 169 this week. Usually pops right off. Wouldn't start after the cold. I just shot it with some starting fluid and it started right up and it's been fine since.


p.s. I'm in CT with you and the cold.
Denny,my puller wasn't actually overheating,even though it appeared to be at Steve's PD. I was having a coolant plumbing problem that day(since resolved)and now it'll run all day w/o any problems using that Polaris ATV radiator! Seems to be sized right. I have replaced the electric fan with a larger unit that really moves the air.(almost have to be careful when the tractor is in neutral or the fan will blow it away ;-0)
I don't have any problem with the engine overheating either. The 1772's have a bigger radiator. I do have to keep an eye on the pyrometer though. It'll hit 1100 degrees pretty quick!!
Mike L.

Are you 100% sure you have fuel at the carb???? A good steady flow out of the tank and a full float bowl?????? Clean orifices in the carb????

Pull the air cleaner cover off, take off the air cleaner, and dump a teaspoon full of gas right down the carb bore....THEN crank it over a see if it runs.

(BE CAREFULL doing this!!!!, and if it backfires keep cranking and suck the flames back into the engine)

If it runs when "spoon fed" you need to rebuild the carb.