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Archive through January 05, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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The others are right, find a good used replacement Kohler engine and keep on Cubbin'!!!!

One note: the original Kohler engine in your 129 is actually mounted backwards. The PTO clutch is mounted to the crank shaft stub which is actually the "rear" of the engine in normal operation, however, IH and many other manufacturers turn the engines backwards, use the crank stub for the PTO and then drive the transmission off of the flywheel. If you look closely at the Kohler, you will see that it has a modified flywheel screen and an aluminum adapter bolted to the flywheel to drive the driveshaft for the hydro. Any replacement engien would have to be mounted in a similar way to allow for PTO operation and forward motion.
Matt S.

Haban made a manually operated remote angle kit for the 54" SGT blade and JD also had a similar kit for their blades. It ends up being a mechanical linkage similar to a snow thrower chute operator that connects to the blade on the right side. The linkage has 2 functions: 1) If twisted, it unlocks the pin....and 2) If pushed or pulled while being held in the twisted position, it angles the blade.

A pic would be worth 1,000 words here.....
steve theres and idearrr! i was contemplating buying a spool valve and lines and ports for the 149, i dont like QLs and would never buy one to use... i tried my neighbor's 1450 and it was in good shape but still something about it didnt like... the only problem with buying all that is just that, buying all the stuff to make that work is expensive!
Steve, I hope kraigs got a picture I'd like to see that set-up. Just to see how it works.
I'm thinking that a 12 Volt screw type actuator and a car door solenoid for the "latch" could be whipped into shape to do a blade angler......I'd still want the latch on there to protect the actuator from "ramming speed" impact.. time to fire up the torches
i hope Kraig has a pic too cus my minds going wild, ive got pullys and cable running through my head lol
Matt, I'm thinking slip joint with some type of flexible joint to split the 2 actions
well it finally happened i got some serious snow to plow ive got 6 inchs a day for the past 3 days which makes me and my 126 very happy
the cable and pully system im dreaming of is fool proof untill the spring trip does its job
but ill think of something! im determined to not have to get off that dam tractor anymore!
SNOW!!! Were suppose to get 4-6 inches of snow throughout tomorow. After almost two weeks it'll be nice to ride tall in the seat of the 'ol 124 again. lol
Kirk -- Thanks for the information on the 70 steeering wheel vs the 100. This is a subtle point I nearly overlooked due to the similarity of the two tractors. Do you know of any cub literature that speaks to this? ... I couldn't find any.
Matt G.... sit back...eat some popcorn...wait for the next one lol

Steve B...You talkin bout this one

Interesting, when I read Steve's post, the setup in that picture is more or less what I was imagining.
I've been tryin to figure out a way to do the same for my 73 but the angle lock pin going vertical makes things a little harder. Not sure how I'm gonna go about it...
Brendan, yes that is the blade that Steve was referring to. I can post some photos of an actual blade setup, I will do so in a new thread in the "CCC and MTD Machines & Equipment" forum area, this way I can post BIG photos and not mess with the width of everyone's monitor in the main forum.

NORM! Welcome!
Sorry had a Cheers flashback there...
Tim A, I'm right up the road from you in Northern Cambria. This end of Cambria county is unofficially known as the a!!hole of the universe and we've been getting hammered with snow. I've been using the plow on the 149 since the blower broke over the weekend and it's been doing great. Nice to see local cubbers! Nick
Thanks to all for the suggestions on the K301. I will look on the board for a replacement K301.
I found it very interesting that the hydro drive is actually driven from the flywheel end of the motor. I had not considered that.

Norm Peacey
Good luck with your 12 K and If I can be any help just drop me a email and I would be glad to help.
my 129 has a loader built on it and I love the Cub.
Later Don T


Some day I will have to finish it lol