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Archive through January 04, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Nope, no manual tractor seat angle on anything BUT the Haban for the 982/SGT (at it is rare because if you could afford a 982 and blade new, you got the dual hyd......)

Chains on AG,s = no good

Chains on turfs = good

Chains year round = make for a bumpy ride but should not hurt the tractor or tire.

IH only made hydraulic blade turn for cub cadet and it did not come out untill the 1450/1650
Chains on ags.....Fine
Chains on turfs.....Fine

Ags, no chains....waste of time
ATV tires, no chains...waste of time
Trufs, no chains...waste of time

Ags all summer (no chains) then chained up in winter....BEST all around combo.

And before everyone says "Yeah, but my driveway is scratched..." or "My ags with lots of weight are just as good as chains...." ANY chains on ANY tire will improve traction on snow and ice, true for walk behind snow blowers, Cub Cadets, farm tractors, Co. Hwy maintainers, semi trucks, end loaders, etc...... Wet rubber tires on packed snow or ice just spin......
My want to rethink the ATV tire, waste of time. I have the ATV on my snow removal tractor and they work fine. Maybe for my application and not everyone else's but.......
But chain them up and I bet they work better....
No doubt chains REALLY help, but the ATV don't scratch/chew up my driveway. As I said Maybe not for everyone.
To me the whole "chains vs ags vs turfs" argument really centers around the terrain on which you plan to use the tractor.

I live on a long, and fairly steep hill. The driveway is smooth asphalt that faces primarily north and is highly exposed to the wind. I've made the mistake of blowing snow off the driveway right after a storm only to have it all blow right back in as if you've never stepped foot outside. By the time most storms (and the 24hrs of winds that usually follow) are gone, the driveway has been driven on and packed down. At that point NOTHING but turf tires with chains and LOTS of weight will work. (I don't like AGs with chains as the chain can sneak down into the tire and do no good.)

What I just described is drastically different from someone who has a flat, possibly protected driveway who can get out right after the last snowflake falls, yet before it's driven on. In that situation I could see AG tires and lots of weight working just fine.

It's an "apples and oranges" discussion in my opinion...
Turfs and chains get my vote, oh and plenty of weight as well.
Bill J

Your son has a red face, OH I'm so ready for some cool fresh air and seat time.

I have limited experience with different treads on a cub. However Back in a day worked with auto, truck and tractor tires.
After considering the application, weight, other factors....
It would be safe to say that an aggressive tread would have lessened benefit from chains with the exception of when used on hard packed snow or ice. In hard pack snow and ice the limitations would be less noticeable but still may not have as good of a return on investment.

Just for fun(ok just for my wife)I got two truck loads of black dirt delivered this past spring used the 109 and blade to move it around (has turf tires) dirt was moist and muddy was just spinning in the mud. I put the chains on haven't taken them off yet I was surprised at the amount of dirt I could move. Saved on the back / blisters from shovels and rakes.
I should add, I will not be mowing with the 109 and I'm sure it would tear up the grass, more so when the yard is damp. Kind of defeats the purpose of the turf tires.

Now that I read this post my short answer would be .

Yeah what Aaytay said.
My 02c worth is that traction with chains works according to how they are installed. Ag tires with loose fitting chains does not work well for me. My choice is turfs with tight fitting chains. To install chains i deflate the tire and install chains as tight as i can, then reinflate the tire.
I just went threw making a governor on a kt17 work. And everyone says its the same. I tried everything to make it work. Ended up with a new carb gov arm throttle rod and throttle spring. And adjust it Backwards of which way the book says to tourn the gov shaft. I had a engine tore clear down and couldnt see how that part could fall off ether.Hope that helps Jim
First i have to say sorry for the color
but I have been wanting one of these for awhile and this morning this showed up in a local for sale add. They go for 400$ new and this was a steal at 100$ . It does have a color problem , but I can live with that .The tray will hold 120 lbs and I on`t think it was used more than once the po said.I was happy with the price.


It is in new shape.


I have a 3 acer lawn that will give me the price I paid to do his lawn once.


What do you all think ? did I pay to much. Sorry Charlie

Oh ; Kentuck sent me a new years mesage , so I guess he is still kicking!
Quick question - how do you folks get hood decals off your tractor? Scrape, grind, heat - is there a magic trick to do this without fouling-up the rest of the paint?

Don T - nice aerator. I've been thinking about buying one of those for my yard too. I know of a guy that added additional bracing from the corners of the weight box to the tongue and loads his up to somewhere around 175 lbs. It really does a nice job, but pulls hard. I've thought about a plug vs spike aerator. One thing I've read is the spike aerator needs to be used more often, like ever 2nd or 3rd mowing as it will also chop-up thatch too. Don't know if that's true, but it would involve more seat time...
Bill Jamison

I know you will think I`am krazy ; but miracle whip spread over the edges of a decal will let the glue go soft so a little heat from a heat gun will let you peal of the decal easily with out damage to paint or decal. acetone will remove the glue . Fingernail polish remover is high in acetone content ! BTDT
Don T - it's hard to say if you paid to much. The advantage I see you did get is that I don't see any rust, it's not to glossy, and the exposed hardware looks nice and bright. All this will allow you to dis-assemble it quite easily and provide a fairly good surface for RE-PAINT!!!!!

Hey, glad to hear you got a message from ole KenTUCK'. Last I heard for certain was that he was on a fishing trip in New Jersey, and I never could figure that one out. Have you got some remote fishing place on your side of the border called New Jersey?

Bill "QQ" J - my vote goes for chains on turfs but you definitely need some weight on those rear wheels to help slow them from spinning. As for 2 or 4 cross link spacing, I think on a hard surface drive you're better off with 4 but the ride is bouncy. You get tire, chain bite, tire, chain bite, rotation with the 4. When using 2 cross link spacing you're always riding on the chain and on a hard surface you're getting chain bite all the time but probably will experience slipping/spinning and more wear thru the chain cross links. There are other factors that contribute to what works best as well, but from the looks of your pic I think the 4 link is your best bet.
(under edit) - I always try to salvage the original decals, even touch them up.
Harry Bursell
I look after my toys ; I bet five years from now it will look the same. I get my $$ worth out of what I buy .It pisses me off to see equipment sitting out in the weather and never seeing any care .Look after what you have and it will do it`s job anytime.

And (fishing trip in New Jersey, ) I think is on your side of the border ! I bet if he is casting a line somewhere ,it is because he knows he will be happy with what he gets. We have some good fishing up here ;We don`t have to wear sweaters all year !There are them dang biters . And the hyd power to the blade works as promised,Very happy to angle the snow blade with out getting off the tractor. It does help in time to remove snow . To be able to get a different cut on the blade when you want it is a plus.
Bill Jamison

What I just got is a plug aerator. I have a problem with driving my Cubs around over the lawn . that gave me spots where grass would not grow. I hope this will get it growing . i see more seat time for me It a 4.5 in cut up here.i think I will have to play with the weather some to get the moisture to fit so I can remove the soil plugs; so I can improve growth.
On the chains debate the first snow this year was wet and I tried the 128 with AG tires and blade without the chains.
Fair results on the level ground and when I went down to the mailbox I couldn't get
back up to the garage. Had to hike back and
get the chains. After putting the chains on no more problems.

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