<font color="0000ff">Steve</font> - I wasn't going to drag your pic into this debate unless you done it first

I can find yours on my cd's , just can't find mine !
<font color="0000ff">Terry</font> - I already decided about 4+ years ago to make an articulated loader , that's why I quit working on mine. Then Steve's loader frame looked better as an articulated loader than a conventional style frame so I'm just waiting for another WF hydro to fall off a truck out in front of the house
I posted the first articulated cub on here over 4 years ago , I've got the forum pics on cd dated 1-26-00 so it was sometime in december I guess so I've been looking at a lot of them since then. I've still not seen the "perfect" one. I posted a pic of a grader made with cub parts too then Jim Chabot started his twin engine grader project ... wonder what ever became of that ???
<font color="0000ff">Dave</font> - <font color="ff0000">"a creeper would do for a hydro- it'd make it easier to start on a cold day"</font> -- why not just put in a clutch to disengage the shaft ?
<font color="0000ff">Marlin</font> - I've got a 2-sp ferd hydro rear sitting here ... need one ?

... the blue color is killing my property value ! I pointed out a little ferd tractor with a loader one day to a guy many moons ago , he said his farm hand could haul as much with a shovel , I said "yeah but it beats the hell out of
having to use a shovel"
That's my reason for needing one , I can't push an empty wheel barrow (the tin pan ones) because my back is so screwed up. I can't hold anything out in front of me. My wife has to do the 'barrowing around here. I've got 3 dovetail slides in the garage floor that I can't move to get my boat back inside !
<font color="0000ff">Dave - Marlin</font> .... ever seen a skidsteer on grass ? One good thing , less grass to mow !
Oh and the "sinking in part" ... here's proof of that !
I think Dave's problem is he needs a new wife that says YES or just ignores him and let's him do what he wants as long as it's outside ...

... oh wait I married that one 25+ years ago !
<font color="0000ff">Tom</font> - got it

... I don't have the old cable blade D8 anymore or the MF 275 with QA loader ... that's WHY I want to build one ... plus I'll have the only one on Hwy 90 !
<font color="0000ff">Steve</font> - I see you've came in on the clutch / hydro ... I'm not going to delete mine

I'm reading / typing / reading ... from the bottom up ... bottoms up guys !
Why not turn the creeper around and over drive the hydro ... could hit the freeway then !
(Message edited by kweaver on January 02, 2005)