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Archive through February 24, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Nick, that looks to be in great condition, nice find!! This might be helpful.

Hello , i thought i shouls show how the dash fiberglass repair is going. I made a pattern for cardboard and will use the hot glue gun to keep the bends as close as possible to what should be there. When i have finished this i will post again. Later Don T

I didi pick up some Cub tools today. they will come in handy i think. Later Don T

Good call!

Take lots of close up pictures of your progress. I'm curious to see how you tie the new fiberglass into the old...
ok I`ll try Kraiq & Art to keep some start to finish . But i wonder how much trouble could i get into with mixing instructions and the like.Safety is very important and ppe. I do need to pick up some fresh resin. Later Don T
Just in case, PPE = Personal Protective Equipment....
Don, I agree! I have a couple of half face respirators (3M brand for use with chemicals, not just dust masks) that I wear (no not at the same time!
) when I paint, use chemicals, sandblast or remove paint or rust with a wire brush and create dust. Safety first!
Started working on the 104 tear down today. A little more serious about it today because of nice almost 50 degree weather today. Got the K out and found a ton of old gunk! Here's some pics.


But i did manage to get a few parts primed . so today was a good day. I have the super steer up grade here and a foot control to fab up and hood hold downs to make yet. so lots to do. lol
Thanks for the encouragement, I drove to work today for the first time in almost 5 months, the Beltway is still the same as ever.

Anyway, I did get to do a little Cubbing with my Dad, he transferred the trailer hitch from the "Old" 102 to the 129, then we hooked the small trailer up to haul the garbage cans down to the main road. At least that's a start.

Next step is to get busy on the project 102 again. First order of business is to repaint some of the engine tins so they cure before I put it all back together, then tackle the paint work on the rest of it. There's not a whole lot of rust and the metal is in decent shape, so hopefully I can take care of the prep work in a few evenings once the weather warms up a little.

Todd, there seems to be a lot of old Cubs around up here in Northern Baltimore and Carroll County, but most of them still seem to be earning their keep
Some good posting going on. Trying to relax while reading. Shortly after 11:00 a.m. this morning all the supervisors went around and informed everyone that the "permanent layoff" process was finished. We could all relax. I am lucky.... I surivived. It is hard though to watch good friends/coworkers come back to their line carrying a blue folder, gather their personal belongings and say, "Good-bye." I witnessed it several times this morning. To look someone just laid off in the eyes, shake their hand, wish them the best, please keep in touch, and mean it... well...It's hard to hold back the tears. I'm glad my work day is over.

On the brighter side....<font color="ff0000">38 </font><font color="0000ff">Days </font><font color="000000">until </font><font color="119911">Spring Plow Day</font><font color="ff6000">!!!</font> <font color="000000">To sign up.... PLOW DAY SIGNUP</font>
Can anyone help me with a no spark problem? Seems simple put It was running then quit. I have 12.5 volts on positive side of coil and same on neg. but I see no spark at points or plug. What could have happened? Just put then engine in from a rebuild.
Ben: Did you try a new spark plug? I had that happen to me, tractor wouldn't start had power everywhere it was suppose to be. I put a new plug in, and it fired right up and runs great
Dustin it must be in the air. I have same problem. New coil condenser plug and wire. Ran once? Then won't run. I've checked the safety switch and all.
Bruce N, Yea I have spotted cubs over here on the shore. Upon asking owners if they want to sell, most say I've had that for years and I still use it.
Had the same problem on my 149.
Culprit was the wire going to the positive post on the coil.It was separated under the insulation and would work/not work depending on tractor movement.FWIW,...Bobby B.
Ben M, many expert ideas here. You say you see 12 volts on both sides of the coil. Put a meter/light on the NEG side and crank it...does volts go from 12 to zero and back etc.??? Maybe points not closing or crud on the popints themselves. just my 3 cents(<font size="-2">inflation ya know</font>)
So I have a dumb question and I'm sure I should have learned this in school at some point, and by no means do I mean to offend anyone but....where is Iowa? I was looking at Plow Day sign up, even though I have no plows, and cant for the life of me figure it out! In regards to what other state is it next to and how far from New York is it? I'm about 15 minutes from the NY/PA border, but about 3 hours from Erie,PA. Can anyone help?