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Archive through February 21, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I'm glad I decided to check the 149 for mice nests today. This could have been trouble in the near future!!


Had a great day today with the Green Guys at Deere Day II hosted By Stan Barnes at the home of Sylvain Lessard near Waterbury Ct.. They are one class act. A frequent forum lurker, Todd, introduced himself and commented on how he had been following the forum since the Voyager days and asked how to get into Geezers Garage. That was one answer I couldn't give him. He commented how he liked the amount of pics that are posted here. These guys are as crazy for the Green as we are for the Yeller and White. I was amazed at all the factory literature and spec's. that they have amassed. No question was left unanswered, and a little friendly ribbing was had by all due to the fact that I was dressed in full Cub regalia, courtesy of the Shirtman at RPRU 2003. Hopefully we can have Northeast Cub get together in the near future and show them what we know about our pride and joy. Thanks to all the Green Guys. Kenny
Frank M,
It sounds like you might have your model #s confused. A 1200 should have a K301 which would be 3.375" bore. A K321 would be a 14hp with 3.500"
bore and a K341 would be a 16hp with a 3.750" bore
and a 10 bolt head as Keith said. So if it is a
14 you would need a kit for a K321.

Bob J,
I'm not familiar with an 1878. Is it maybe an 1872? Is it a magnum 18 engine? Some of those didn't have a high speed mixture adjustment.
You may want to remove the carb and give it a good
cleaning. Sounds like the main jet is partially
Sorry Charlie, You should have given me a call. I was home yet at that time watching a tv travel show with my wife! didn't get to the store until nearly 9 a.m.
Charlie, talked to my father in law about a plow day here in virginia. He said he was interested, but we dont know about insurance and all that good stuff. Anybody interested for a plow day here incentral IL Brad
Charlie, I had a cat at our old house! He was just to dang fat to go get'em anymore. I hope I dont see them here at our new place though.
Brad L.

Plow Day in Central IL?????? Man, that's where it all started!!!!!!!!

There will be a plow day in Central IL THIS FALL!!!! It will be at the Blunier farm, the site of PD #1,#2, and #4, in Roanoke, IL (about 30 miles straight east of Peoria on Rte 116.

BTW, my wife has relatives from your area, Lakamps in Chapin and Strangs in Murrayville.
Steve, I will plan on coming to the PD in roanoke. I know a Jim lakamp that is an auctioneer. And a roger strang that deals in used equipment here in virginia.

Jim is my wife's uncle and one heck of a nice guy too!!!!! Her grandfather, Cary Strang, lives right across from the elevator in Murrayville, used to raise Murray Gray cattle.

Plan on the trip to Roanoke, it's a blast!!!! Probably will be on of the last 2 weeks in October.
Todd M.
Yes you are correct, It is an 1872. Sorry I was typing fast before the battery died I was in the shop
Art R,
Look at the top of this page where it says,
"Please check the FAQ before posting your question - perhaps it has already been answered there. "
Hey Art...Welcome to the forum!
<font size="-2">Never thought I'd be saying that...</font>

(Message edited by aaytay on February 22, 2004)
Bob J.- My 1872 has a high idle problem as well...little power, will bog down when pushing a heavy load with blade...I just figured it was becase it is a hydro though...
(<font size="-2">Gear Drives Rule!</font>)

Went out Saturday to hook the trailer to the 1872, and when I started it, it was BELLOWING white smoke. Finally got it outside after it died 3 times, and the entire 32x40 shop filled with smoke...dies again, let it sit a few minutes..check the oil...1/2 way up the stick...awful runny considering I just changed it...decide to drain it and it pours out like water. Seems my 18Mag was trying to become a 2-stroke and mixed its own oil with its gas. So I need to rebuild the carb anyway.

Steve B. -- Got the package Saturday, thanks!! I put the sweatshirt on him yesterday...just a LITTLE big yet.

Keith E. -- I was thinking of you yesterday when I was out playing in the shop. (Mama had a baby shower to attend!) We didn't get back from bible study until 10p (9p your time) so I figured I would call tonight.
Anyone putting up with a sloppy throttle shaft -- don't. Put a t-shaft repair kit in this weekend on the 127, and am kicking myself for waiting so long. An easy, complete repair.

(Message edited by rking on February 23, 2004)
Ryan, the Onan CCKB in my AC-620 did that once. Seems the fuel pump decided to spring a leak. I rebuilt the fuel pump and installed a fuel shut-off valve in the fuel line, so far so good. I ALWAYS shut the fuel off on it now.

Dave K., nice mods!

Doug, I like the bed liner mods on the 149.

kent W., your snowmobile is the wrong color, get a green and black one. :eek:)

Bryan, sooooo, who's going to fill in for you stepping in front of the video camera at the WFM Spring Break? Please designate a stunt double. :eek:)

Welcome to all the new guys!

2 Arts......!?!?!?!?!?!?

B-n-B what's the legal limit on Arts? :eek:p

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on February 23, 2004)