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Archive through February 21, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Brad L,
Do you work at PT&E?
I lived in Virginia most of my life. It was kind of a surprise seeing your post on here. With you and me both as forum members, we probably account for the biggest percentage of members from any one town. Welcome.
Send me a message through the address in my profile. Now that I've seen your address, I won't delete it as spam.
Oh yea! John Lang,
We were in front of your store yesterday morning and 8:08 A.M. and there was nothin but a big CLOSED sign on the door!!!!
Got a surprise today. I bought a 1200 a year ago and left it set. Decided to rebuild the engine yesterday and pulled it. When the head came off, the piston had 020 stamped on it. Looked big so I measured it. Not a K321, but a K341. Could not find any marking on outside of block that indicated it was a 341 and not a 321. I'll take it though.

The 1200 will now have a 14hp plus in it. Good thing I did not buy a 321 overhaul kit.

I don't mind that kind of surprise.
Well, $12 into stripping the coverings for the Wheatland. Hindsight being 20/20 I should have taken the heat gun and taken the decals off first. After a picking up a hammer & dolly tomorrow I'll be ready for primer and a skim coat of mud, then paint!

I'll bet that thing runs like a champ with the exhaust venting inside the engine compartment
Bruce , it is a small world, I remember talking to you this summer at henrys service center. I am working there on saturdays now , so if you need anything give me a shout. Brad
Kent W. thanks, that look's alot like what I saw. Is that a hyd. chute control ? What does "QA" and the "A" after 42 stand for? Does that QA42A fit a narrow fram? DANG! I'll look in the FAQ, mabey it's there, I just dont know what I'm getting into. Us Greenhorns [or is that yellowhorns] sometimes need a little guidance. Again Thanks
For the two folks that have emailed me about the picture, yes that's inside my house, and no I don't live in a cave
Anybody make an aftermarket electronic ignition kit for the K-series engines?
Dave Kamp-

Check out Cap'n Kirk's neat little device in the classifieds.

QA= quick attach, I think, and A is for Adjustable, which means it fits both wide- and narrow- frames.
Steven L.

Survey for the village huh???? Did you do Black Partridge Park a few years ago????? If so, you were standing in my front yard, we may have even talked.

I have a QA-42A on my 149 right now, If you really want the details on it email me at the addy in my profile and you can come check it out some time.
The "A" isn't for "adjustable", but in this case, yes the "A" series will fit a wide or narrow frame with QA hooks......without would require some small modifications.


As far as anyone can tell, nothing, except the second series of the attachment.

QA42, QA42A, QA42B

QA36, QA36A, QA36B

Quick attach, Quick Attach to fit both frame sizes, and Quick Attach with long links and wide pulley for the 82 series.

(and YES, they did make a 42B, I have seen a serial tag stamped "B")

The tiller series shared some of the letter sequence, but not quite as structured as the throwers.... #1, #1A, #2, #2B

Thanks for clearing that up.

I had a rather interesting day yesterday. I went to an auction that contained the remnants of the Sycamore, IL Case IH dealership. I wound up with a bunch of manuals. I was only after a service manual for my 128 and another for my 1810, but I wound up with some other interesting, but useless to me manuals like a CCC diesel shop manual, and the deck manual for an original.
Hey Bob- thanks for the tip re. 'point saver'.

Here's this afternoon's progress- column tube and valve are now mounted solid. Now I just need a nasty old steering shaft, so I can slice the worm off, and weld on the steering-valve coupler, plop the shaft in, and install the upper flange-type ball-bearing

I see I'm gonna have to add "A does NOT mean ADJUSTABLE" to the FAQ...
Fine tuning my 1878 18hp kohler
this motor runs good from low rpm to about half throttle, at full throttle it pulsates running up and down, I have looked thru my manual didnt really help, played with the air screw adjusted per the book but nothing helped. Then I decieded it was the rev limiter, so I moved the spring around still not working, possiblie worse.
any ideas?
Frank M:
Count the head bolts. If my memory is correct, the K341 has a 10-bolt head and all the others get by with 9.

Dave K: Welcome to the party!

Ryan Mull: Are you out there???? How's Cyrus getting on these days?