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Archive through February 17, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Dennis F.
These happen to be laying in a pile of junk not to far from the 460, don't know if they belong to the 460 or not.

Still haggeling on the price of the tractors, will let you all know if I end up with either one of the tractors.
John: Welcome!

Give your kids a big Thank You and bookmark this site! Read through some earlier posts and check out the FAQs and you'll find enough info to keep you going. Also: keep an eye out for another one for next Christmas!
New Old guy owner of Cub Cadet 105,question about steering.From center position steering wheel turns 1 1/4 turn to the left,3/4 turn to the right.How do I get it to turn equal distances both ways?Thnks guys in advance and enjoy your site.
LONNIE B. - Looks like another mis-matched pair of wheels like's what's on the 460. The 6-spoke wheels were used on everything from the M up to the early 400's, late 400's, 450's, & 560's all got 8-spoke wheels. And 460's could have either 2-1/2" or 2-3/4" rear axles. 2-1/2" is same as an H, 2-3/4" M-sized. 350 Farmall's also have a HD rear axle option but not near as common as on 460's. Lot easier to find wheels for the bigger axle too.

What probably caused the wheels to crack was the use of clamp-on dual rear wheels. If used hard on uneven ground the cast center would crack from the corners of the "D" shaped hole the axle clamped onto the axle through.
Scott, thanks for taking the lead in the "ugly cub" contest! My CCO has a 50 foot paint job now and my better half still calls it the "POS"cub! Time and money heals all!
Kraig, I agree! Poor woman has no idea what door that comment just opened!!

According to my dear wife, and yes, I may agree a tad, it is butt ugly! It looks good in my minds eye though, as a finished restored tractor!!! She said something about the little engine that could too!
scott if my wife side something like that I wood be out side diging. she nows better!
Richard I had the same problem wheth the steering on my 125 just got it as close as I could.
Tristan S
That disk need a 3 point hitch that looks like one on a big tractor. There are a few selling a big tractor style hitch that would work.....not cheap. Your 129 had a sleeve hitch that look like this one:

This is on my 100. The top part is different. They better known as a sleeve hitch.
My 149 that I post earlier today has the correct hitch on it.
Dale Merkle (Dmerkle) i think the disk set that Tristan Stewart (Tstewart) shows in the post is a cat style and not the same. My 3 sets of disk have just a different connection. Well here is a shot of mine and he can see what i`am try to say. Later Don T

Don T. Not that it matters that much, but the original 129 dash tower had an oblong hole on the back for adjustment purposes.

Dale, Donald, yeah I am familiar with the brinly sleve hitch but the one I linked to looks entirely different thats why I asked. By 'big tractor style' hitch if your talking about the $485 one the ccs sells then I'll think I'll probably pass... needs to find something cheeeeep!
Tristan Stewart (Tstewart) thanks thats nice to know. i had the holes cut out and new metal welded back in so i can cut the bolt holes as needed now. I painted the loader frame and bucket today and i`am pleased how it turned out. I`am thinking of blowing a coat of clear over it to help keep it looking great for a few years. Just a thought i was thinking of putting ezslide inside the bucket so ground doesn`t stick fast. Is this worth doing ??? Let me know your thoughts please guys. Later Don T

( i had no idea there is so many parts to paint on a 129 ) LoL
John D., Richard L., WELCOME!

John D., you have some very thoughtful children! For parts, see the colorful boxes at the top of the page? Those are links to forum sponsors, you should be able to get most any engine parts you need from them, some have stuff listed online, other's like Madson's Service you'll have to call. If you have parts questions give Scott Madson a call and he or one of his employees should be able to help you out. You can order manuals for your Cub from Binder Books, see their link above? The brakes can be adjusted, the Operator's Manual tells how to do it. For now, here's an excerpt from the manual to get you started.


Richard L., with the front tires pointing straight ahead, disconnect the drag link from the left spindle. Now turn the steering wheel full lock in one direction then turn it full lock the other direction, counting the number of turns. Now turn it back to the halfway point, or half the number of turns you counted. Now adjust the tie rod ends on the drag link so that it fits back into the left spindle.

Well after seeing the wiring up close on the 147, I desided it was teardown time.


Seems I have some wear ont the front driveshaft coupling.
Todd H., I'm not positive you can do it with your 147 but I think you should be able to...On my 149 I had driveshaft issues one after another. Even after a new driveshaft, it still vibrated like crazy and I was afraid of ruining the hydro. So I got a driveshaft setup off of a 1450. They have the rubber couplers in the front and rear. What a difference. No vibration at all. Definitely recommended. Nick
any word about wreckrecreation nation visiting plowdays?
do they sell new coils to put the charge back into an old starter generator?
is it easy to install?
one one of cubs it was cooked even though everything else checked out fine.
Nick H., thanks I will keep that mod in mine. My 147 appears to have never been "apart". This is my first narrow frame cub, and I have some "learning ahead of me". This cub was dirt cheap, and I am now going to give it a refurb.