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Archive through February 08, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2005
Donald Tanner
But I got to get me one of them cabs to keep me dry. I have and old heater here and want to see if I can get some heat in the cab with the Diesel.Might be Cats lol. later Don T
If there ever was a blade that will do what a thrower will do, it's the Haban on the 2072!!!!....What a horse!!!!! Feels like you are in a IDOT tandem.....20hp just grunts a little and the snow rolls!!!!
A simple question of curiosity...what is the little hole for in the back of this ampmeter? I'm still cleaning and painting parts and came across this today.
Well theyre predicting another 6-8" and I'm out of room to push snow from the last storm! I need a blower... Anyhow I have found what the limit is for what the 129 will push... this bank is it:


For central ohio this is a lot more than usual, infact I think the most I have ever personally seen here and more is coming.
Paul B, Thanks for the response.
Tristan, Not even close, Hit it from the side, lift the blade up a little and push it higher.
lucas, I believe a cc-36 would be the ticket...
Jim -

Good call! One of the brake springs shattered and bound things up. I also took the top end plate off by mistake was able to get everything together by holding the spring with surgical tweezers (that lock) and tying the brushes back with sewing thread. When I got the top back on, I pulled the thread out. I'll contact Charlie for the brake springs in the morning.

This group is the greatest!
Has anybody tried chains on the fronts to help the steering while using a blade? Saw some for $57/pr and thought it might help.
Tony, I never have but I knew a guy that did and swore by it.
Well its been a while since ive last posted, so let me give y'all a update. I still have my old 124, a 127, and the 122. Im real upset cause i had to sell my Original, because somehow 2 trans gears broke internally, and when i took it all apart, there were pieces everywhere. At least i got a good deal on it though, cause im gettin an old 128 soon. By the way, i got my 124, and 127 rigged up for snow, in fact they're callin for another 20 inches at my place tomoorow night on top of the 2 footer we had sat. They're ready to go. I might give them the night off in my garage, and bring out the King of IH tractors, the 1940 Farmall M i have. Just thought i stop back in for a while y'all.
Wayne Shytle

I would say that hole is for any moisture to drain away.If there was no hole the lens would fog up at certain temps.
Later Don T
I`am way to slow lol
Don and Roland-

I thought the hole might be for that but the thing that threw me was it's located on the top of the back side when mounted. Maybe it's for evaporation? The hole is lined with a brass insert too; this is what I found confusing and why I asked.

If anyone knows I'd sure like to find out the "for sure" purpose. It's the little things like this that drive me crazy.

Thanks again guys....Wayne
Based on the Smoke Theory of Electricity (Google it if unfamiliar) that hole is to let excess smoke escape when there is a less than maximum current draw through the ammeter. It may also indicate that IHC sourced these ammeters from Lucas...

The most common issue is getting chains that will clear the steering components...BTTT-didn't work.

IMHO, the loader should go BEFORE the thrower, unless you've perfected flinging snow with the loader(but I like the fleet concept!!).

Note also that I saw a complete set (loader, blade and thrower) at the Flywheelers show in Florida last year, so people <u>south</u> of St. Louis have seen the light and made sure they have a thrower in their arsenal.....

Maybe some had the gauge apart and re-installed 180° from original.

That ammeter case was mass produced and also used for illuminated guages. That brass-bushed hole is where the wire goes in. Does it sound like I know what I'm talking about? I don't.
My grandson has a 2050540U603502 with the K241AQS engine. He was working (for lack of a better word) to make the throttle "work better". I the process, he removed a spring from the throttle mechanism, and he is not sure where he removed it from. I looked in the service manual and they show one spring between the governor arm and a pivot point and that looks to be the only spring, and that spring is in place. The spring he removed looks nornal except it has a straight section then the curved end We have a foot pedal throttle, but I doubt if that makes any difference. I wonder if anyone with a stock K241 has a photo of the linkage in that area that could be posted

Like Dave Ross says, lift the blade as you hit the pile and it will move it up/over. To move the 16+" snow I took two hits at it. One with blade up, then another with blade down. Never got stuck, the chains just dig in and move.

I found with my 149 that one hand on the hydro, one on the blade control and you can do that trick and move alot of snow. Don't know what I'd have done with a manual blade lift! Ohhh, my back hurts thinking about it.

Once I get my hydraulic angle built(this summer), I'll really make time.