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Archive through February 08, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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howdy, been gone for about 7 years and haven't posted, I see the old faithful are still here. I got my 125 started after commiting a sin and letting it sit for 6 years in the rain, new battery, filed the points and new fuel line and it started right up. one problem is the exhaust and muffler gets red hot, I mean it looks like it will turn liquid any second, any thoughts?
Jay Kessler
I`am willing to bet that a tractor sitting that long has a nest in the engine shroud. That will cause the engine to run hot.Have a look and see if you have air flowing over the head when running. my .02 Don T
Here's another electrical question for the 149. I just reviewed the wiring diagrahm and can't see where the ignition switch is grounded to the chasis so can I asume it's not and paint the bracket and cup? I thought at first the bracket needed to be grounded because of the points that "dig" into the back of the dash to hold the switch secure.

I googled the smoke and now I'm just confused all over again.

Thanks again to any and all....Wayne
Had a great day. 7 inches of snow with the temp at 28 with little wind. Plowed my hole subdivision with the 149 w/blade. About 4 hours of seat time. This was my first time plowing snow and now realize the need for weights and chains. The only chains I have are the v-bar and they would really damage the blacktop. I will be trading them for some regular 2 link. Tried to upload some pics but they are too big and I can't figure out how to re-size them. I will be working on that tonight. I now know why Cub owners enjoy the snow.
Richard Lynn, the spring is not your problem. That's probably a custom foot throttle for tractor pulling. It should have come with setup instructions. If those are lost, you might look on the throttle for a brand name and then do a google search or look on a tractor pulling website.

If that's a home-made foot throttle, you're probably going to have to fiddle with it until you get it to work. You want the lever on the carburetor shaft up against the idle limit screw when the pedal is all the way up and you want the throttle wide open when the pedal is to the floor.
I have a 124 that is giving me a hard time. One day it starts and run like a champ then the next date it barely cranks. I checked for a spark and it doesn't seemed to be firing very strong and sometimes it doesn't fire at all. I am going to replace the plug after the blizzard is over. I live in MD and we are expecting 16-24 inches of snow tonight. I am also going to check the points and make sure the gap is ok. Any other suggestions?
Jack U.
I would start by cleaning up the ground connection at the battery as well as where it bolts to the frame and then the switch. Grounding is a major issue with Cubs ya know.
I finally got the 1450 back together after what was going to be a simple replacement of worn out iso-mounts. Of course I found many other things to fix, too. Unfortunately, the old Kohler won't start now (it ran ok before).

While cleaning up the engine, I checked the points and found "build-up" on the moveable contact, which the manual says "could indicate under capacitance." I burnished up the contacts and adjusted the gap to .020. I also noticed the condenser was pretty rusty, so I used a wire brush to clean it up so it would get a good ground connection through the clamp.

When it wouldn't start I checked for spark through the spark plug and found it has a nice big spark at the plug gap with the first turn of the engine, then a very small spark, and then nothing more. Thinking the "under capacitance" is linked to the condenser (capacitor) I replaced the condenser, but get the same result. What's going on? I don't want to start throwing new parts at it, but I don't know enough about ignition systems to determine what to check next. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
Here is a pic.
Here is a couple of pictures of my restored Cub Cadet 100. She is plowing snow now but still working hard.