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Archive through December 26, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Paul D. If I had a garage as clean as yours I would put PINK curtains on the windows.

This was mine when it was clean, probably years ago.

Since we have been on the subject of welding lately I was wondering if anybody had any experience with Rods and Welding plates sold by Repair Tech for repairing elongated holes or squaring up corners. I've seen them featured in Farm Show for years and finally decided to order a set. Looks like they would be great for repairing hitches and other wear spots on these Cubs. http://www.repairtech.org/
I would Love to have one of thoes beautiful blue boxes!In spring I have been planing <font size="-2">for the past 4 or 5 years</font>to enroll at the local community college's welding class.i have "welded" for years but want to know how to weld!!

Paul Roessler,Dennis Frisk,
I would love to join,California has a chapter,#14.And I would Really love to come out to the shows.My family is from various places,cities, in Wisconsin,My father was raised in madison.Ive been planning a trip but I belive Id have to take out a small loan to do it!!Charlie has a 102 for sale that ive been coveting for about a month or so.From barstow to charlies is 1817 miles,from charlies to waterloo is 475 miles,from waterloo to madison is 26 miles,and Id like to stop in and meet marlin(and his original)so from madison to plymoth Indiana is 242 miles!!Oh and back home is 1981 miles!!Now to ME this would be a dream trip,Id get to meet a bunch of you along the way and at the shows,BUT I have 4 children and a wife,4540 miles would take us a month!!LOL.Maybe Charlie and Marlin will be at waterloo hmmmmm...

Have you seen my Cub den?? I belive pink curtains are in order for yours!!
Just kidding!!Both yours and pauls are very nice.
Jason, better recalculate the distance from Charlie's place, he moved a few miles north.
Kraig, thanks for the creeper photos now do you have any pics comparing a "shot" creeper verses a good creeper, what is the tell tale sign of a dead one that i should watch for?
Mornin all, New to the forum, Tristan, I made a cab for my Cub this winter,I used 1/4 inch plywood for the sides. a very tough white tarp for the top and plexaglas for the windows,I made a flip up front section to get to the fuel tank and motor,also front and rear lights. It is lite weight and sure beats the snow
LOL Kraig
A day or so ago Charlie Posted "between" Park Rapids and Itasca state park on 71

So I guess your right!!!Its a dream trip anyhow!!
Love that pic in your profile.Your cab reminds me of a guy around here that built a bed cover for his truck,It looks like a very fancy log cabin.Nice job looks like it does the job well
mick I think that cab is cool do you have plans and drawings on how to build it?
Mick, welcome!
Interesting cab, how about some detail shots of the flip up front section please?
Kraig, i'd post in the wanted section but dont have money right now. Was just trying to get an idea how much they cost, and i assumed they sold em new (like universal fit or something) since it seems like so many of them in folks pictures look brand new. Probably will post in the future.

Mick - i was thinking exactly along those lines with some thin plywood and plexi. Thanks for posting the pics.

For this winter if it finally snows... I'll probably be just bundling up... not as big of deal i think with my snow blade than it would be with a thrower.
Kraig, Thanks. The tarp material keeps the snow and wind out. Jeff Baker, No plans or drawings. this was a build as you go project. all in my head.
Tristan, ah! Some look good because they were either well taken care of or they are NOS (Hey Nick that's New Old Stock.

Here's my NOS wide frame windbreaker, and I don't own a wide frame Cub, I got it as an investment, or to possibly adapt to fit one of my narrow frame Cubs.





Does anyone have a picture of all the cubs made from original to super??or a picture of all narrow frames,all wide frames , and all supers.
thanks jason

under Edit, Actually Im not sure I got the catagorys right.Im looking for group,could be individual,pictures of all the international harvester cubs.
Maybe Im missing it in the FAQ'S but isnt there somewhere that tells the different cubs M#'s

I see the one on narrow frames and wide frames, and the one on serial # productions.

I guess what im asking is can someone please educate me on the different model #s????I want to know all the different M#'s all narrow,wide and such.All the way through the 1872?? 1200,1250 ect!! I dont know how clear im being!!
Thank you Jason

Under edit <u>Again</u> we have three catagories the main fourm,ccc and mtd,and lawn tractors.Thoes are the model #S im looking for
Just trying to be clear
Hey Kraig, I knew that one believe or not. The guys at work were wondering what I was laughing at. Then came the "you on that tractor site again"......oh well, beats working!!!!!!! lol----how'd you like that one? Nick