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Archive through April 06, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Ahh geez, now somebody's gotta go resuscitate the grump.. Who said JB Weld????

Actually, it's Dietrich Manufacturing Inc. (DMI), founded by Bill Dietrich.

The "Designed & Manufactured" slogan came later as a product quality statement.
Wyatt - Back when I used to do fall fieldwork for the Land-Lord back about 1990 with His green articulated 8440 I pulled a 2-shank too-many Glenco Soil-Saver....think it was 15 shank and a 12-13 would have been fine...following year I pulled a slightly smaller M&W Earthmaster....It was a really WICKED looking implement...those long subsoilers on the very back.

If they built everything like they built pickup truck bumpers That stuff will be around for ever.

Saw an article in a FARM SHOW mag. last night for a chisel plow You can pull with a large garden tractor or ATV, works about a 43" wide swath.... Guy did an 8 acre field with it.... REALLY must have been hard on His ATV....
anyone ever look at the wanted to buy section of this site?
I've read two procedures for polarizing a S/G/. One, remove wires from regulator and touch momentarily together. the other to jump the batt/arm together momentarily. Is there a preference??

Or can I just quickly touch a jumper from the positive side of battery to the field terminal on the S/G??? The connections on the regulator are not very handy, with it being beisde the battery.
Roger M.
Yepper, I have a preference. I take the old one off, put the new one on. Hook up the wires to the S/G, put the hot cable back on the battery.
Set on the seat, pull the choke and turn the key and take off.
You know, it's funny, I haven't kept up too much with this board lately... but I just bought a set of those old DMI duals... still have the old Dietrich decals in them. Steve... I used to live in Goodfield... right next door to the dog food factory!
charlie, i know what i'm looking for, just not exactly where to look for it. i put this thing back together, but can't remmy if it's the side or bottom pulley. pardon me for being human and forgetting. i don't play with this thing everyday.