Ken Updike >
After doing some searching on the net, mainly across the street I see that you may be refering to the <font color="ff0000">red book </font><font color="000000">as the one with the photo of a cub cadet on it.
I however am refering to the </font><font color="ff0000">red book </font><font color="000000">with the Farmall cub on the cover.
purchased at the local F&F store.
I hope this removes the confusion I may have started.</font>
After doing some searching on the net, mainly across the street I see that you may be refering to the <font color="ff0000">red book </font><font color="000000">as the one with the photo of a cub cadet on it.
I however am refering to the </font><font color="ff0000">red book </font><font color="000000">with the Farmall cub on the cover.
purchased at the local F&F store.
I hope this removes the confusion I may have started.</font>