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Archive through December 26, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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VERY COOL Bryan! That gets some serious geek points!
Chuck J.,

I've never heard of this advice about not using platinum electrode plugs in an air-cooled engine. What is the danger in doing so?
Hi Guys,
I spent many hours yesterday on my 123 and the main source of my frustration were two bolts in the front (holds mule drive)on the outside of the frame. OF the main two front bolts, the second had a screw head on a regular bolt. WHY did IH use a screw head bolt instead of a hex head? I see pictures of the same bolt in all the 70/100's as well. I don't think these had ever been removed, and were a *&^%$#* to get out. I'm sure there was a reason. THANKS!

The drag link will hit the head of a regular bolt if the axle is a full oscillation and the steering wheel is turned........it can "lock up" steering in critical situations like ditch mowing...BTDT....
For the X82 fans...

Autolight AP26 is the plug for you.

There is a APP26 plug, but is "Double Platinum" plug worth an extra $1.25 ??
Roland B
Thanks for the quick reply.I found the two O rings that you pointed out in the parts breakdown but it doesn't specify the internal one. I disassembled the valve and found the O ring on the inside hard and pretty well worn. I tried every place that sells O rings and nobody had one with a cross section as large as what I took out of the valve. I just finished installing an Onan engine in the tractor and didn't want to wait to long for its initial workout.The O ring that I installed in the valve didn't leak a drop in about three hours of yard work.I would like to find the correct part for future breakdowns.I forgot to measure the OD of that little part on the inside but it's only about 1/8".
David K,

Now I'm no engine builder and my other hobby is VW's I've got a couple Dune buggies and a VW based kit. As I've planned to build a mild engine to replace the first stock motor I built, Ive talked to a number of folks about using platinum plugs along with other ignition mods. While there are numerous options for ignitions some that may work well on a Cub, ranging in price from $50 and up, the one thing that everybody I have talked to has said is not to use platinum plugs. Certainly the problem is heat in the head. No this could be a bigger problem in the VW head due to its cooling system arrangement. I know that plugs are designed to operate in certain heat ranges and this should be matched to application and should therefore be like the standard plug. I can only say that everyone I have talked to has said not to use platinum plugs in a aircooled engine. All in all I don't know of a reason not to use them is certain applications. In fact everything I know tells me that there should know problem using them. But experience tells me to take the advice of others more knowledgeable.

Do you know anyone who has used the platinum plugs in thier Cub and what were the results? And while we are on the subject does anyone make electronic points for the cub. I installed a kit on my buggie and have been very happy with the operation since?

Dave K makes a couple of them.

I run one in my 682. I also just picked up a set of platinum plugs for it too. I have a pair of head gaskets coming so I can pull the heads for de-carboning (First time for this engine in 20+ years) and I will do a complete tune up on it when I re-assemble it with the new plugs.
David Clinansmith

Okay if nobody is going to ask I just have too. When you say Hydro relief valve, are you talking about the check valve? If so how are you taking them apart and putting them back together? Some pictures would be nice.

I asked the same electronic ignition question a month ago....and the guy that did the machine work/rebuild of my 1450's engine told me: "A single cylinder Kohler Magnum, from 10 - 16 horse will fix you right up!"...to which I said "Huh"...and he then said, "Find a single cylinder Magnum...doesn't matter if the engine is trashed..., and rob the bearing plate (complete with the mag), and the flywheel!" Swap them onto a 10-16hp K series Kohler, and say goodbye to points!"

This spring and summer, I'm going to track down one of those Magnum engines, and do the swap.
David C:

Here is a picture of the automatic check valve that I cut open. I am curious, are you talking about this valve, and if so, how are you replacing the internal O Ring without cutting this valve up...???

Roland B.
That is exactly the valve I am working on.I put the small end of it in a 3 jaw lathe chuck hoping it was threaded and not swaged.The valve body is not very a very hard material. The little button on the end is extremely hard so when it wouldn't unscrew I began working it back and forth until I managed to get it apart. I was really careful hoping I could fix it with out to much trouble.I lost the small spring twice in the process,if there is ever a next time I will know what to expect.The button went back in with quite a bit of hand pressure.I had the button in the lathe chuck when I was putting it back together and was exerting hand pressure on valve body itself. I used the lathe chuck to squeeze the end back together by just crimping the very end of the valve body where it had been swaged originally.I believe there was more dumb luck involved than skill, that was the first time I had ever seen one apart and I really had no idea what was inside.It never occured to me to take a picture and I'm not sure I could have posted it any way.If I haven't made all this clear,please question me about specifics.
Chuck J.

I have had 2 watercooled VWs in the past and one presently. The platinum plugs gave much poorer results than the triple electrode (carbon) Bosch versions. My VW custom shop reported that they heard the same results time and time again. They were mostly aircooled guys, though.

Just thought I'd toss that into the fray for ya.

Have a happy new year all.
Hey Guys....not to sound like a nag, but I notices not many people were deiscussing lead paint on our IHC's so I thought I'd show everone the effects from this article: http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/FL/00068.html

Although children are primarily at risk, lead poisoning is also dangerous to adults. The signs and symptoms of lead poisoning in adults may include:

Pain, numbness or tingling of the extremities
Muscular weakness
Abdominal pain
Memory loss
Reproductive impairment in men

I did However find this site, http://www.paintremoval.com/ , and they have this stuff called "PeelAway" specifically the 1, st-1 and 7 products.

Has anyone used this stuff. It seems like fancy leg wax....ewwww....

Kraig, I used to do the gravel driveway thing too, but my real estate agent told me that I had better watch my upcomming house sale, becaue a howse with lead around it can have you paying for a decomtaminiation treatment, and as a cheap guy, that's against my principals.

Does anyone have any tips/tricks/advice?

trevor..kraig......first cub i repainted, i sanded it by hand, found it to be too dusty, next ones i did i sand blasted most parts and used a paint stripper on the rest...paint stripper works good, spray it on and wait a few minuites then scape off the paint with a scraper blade. i am just in the middle of doing my snow-thower and the auger was no problem to complete, find that i have to do two passes to get the most paint off.

just recieved my new <font color="0000ff">blue book </font><font color="000000">two days ago, a few days late for xmas but i don't mine....now to get my hands on kens new </font><font color="ffff00">yellow book, </font><font color="000000">as i already have the </font><font color="ff0000">red book</font><font color="000000">.

Trevor F.
I think you worry to much.
Either take your tractor to someone that does custom sand blasting, then you don't have to worry about it.
Or, just strip it off yourself and go on down the road.
The odds of you getting any long term problems from removing the paint from one Cub Cadet are SLIM TO NONE!
Lead poisioning comes from extended exposure to lead. My dad got it years ago from leading pipes. 6 months later it was gone from his system.

Personally and this is JMHO here. the whole freakin world seems to be to worried about every tiny little thing that someone says can or would be bad for ya.
SMOKING, I had a father inlaw that smoked from the time he was 12 till he died at 101.
On the other hand, I know folks that supposedly died from second hand smoke and never smoked a day in their lives.
I've smoked for 30 years and go in for my yearly physical, do the chest x-ray thing and do the pluminary test and they OH YOUR A NONE SMOKER HUH!

Strip the dang thing and fix it up and forget all that CRAP!

(Message edited by cproctor on December 31, 2005)
I 'kinda' agree with Charlie....I think different things affect each person differently....

Take some basic precautions.....Get yourself a respirator (I got mine at Home Depot)..and use common sense. No need for a 'space suit'...unless you had 100 Cub Cadets that you were going to be re-doing.

Like Charlie said about his tests..... I drink Mt. Dew like it's free....at a >bare minimum<, a 2 litre +/ day. Plus I grew up on hamburgers fried in a skillet, plus eggs, bacon, etc., and I damn sure don't follow any form of a 'healthy diet'. Diabetes runs in my moms side of the family, and it has always freaked mom out about me drinking pop...This fall I had some blood tests done, and my bloodsugar level, and colesterol levels were 'perfect' according to the doctor!

(Message edited by Bcook on December 31, 2005)
Just a short note;

I know lots-o-people that work out like there is no tommorrow. Hey, great for them!! God knows I can stand to loose a few pounds. But then on the way home from the gym they get killed in a car wreck. Should have stayed home farting on the couch, drinking beer, and eating red meat. Sometimes, what's the point

When your time is up, your gone!

End of story