Trevor F.
I think you worry to much.
Either take your tractor to someone that does custom sand blasting, then you don't have to worry about it.
Or, just strip it off yourself and go on down the road.
The odds of you getting any long term problems from removing the paint from one Cub Cadet are SLIM TO NONE!
Lead poisioning comes from extended exposure to lead. My dad got it years ago from leading pipes. 6 months later it was gone from his system.
Personally and this is JMHO here. the whole freakin world seems to be to worried about every tiny little thing that someone says can or would be bad for ya.
SMOKING, I had a father inlaw that smoked from the time he was 12 till he died at 101.
On the other hand, I know folks that supposedly died from second hand smoke and never smoked a day in their lives.
I've smoked for 30 years and go in for my yearly physical, do the chest x-ray thing and do the pluminary test and they OH YOUR A NONE SMOKER HUH!
Strip the dang thing and fix it up and forget all that CRAP!
(Message edited by cproctor on December 31, 2005)