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Archive through December 22, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2006
James Crews
Christmas in Georgia in the 60's today . Mr. Mitchell (down under) would feel right at home here. Why did I fix my storage buildings to service my cubs inside, it would be way too hot.
Bryan, thanks.
Forgot to mention what to do if you detect a draw on your battery. Begin disconnecting & reconnecting electrical components until you determine which one is draining the battery. Make sure the ignition switch is off during this procedure.
Headed to the shop to do some rearranging.

Eddie, what's up with that blue(?) and gray Cub? A Ford wanna be? Good info on the battery drain test!
Eddie -- here's one more thing to think about ...

I looked all over for a dirty battery and wouldn't you know the only one I could find was in the ol lady's 96 Rodeo!

A dirty battery will conduct across the case from the post. If the battery is really dirty it'll discharge more. I've been telling ppl this for years but most ppl look at me like I'm crazy.
KENtucky, I thought it had already been established that you are crazy. I never knew you had a Rodeo! You never told me that info about a dirty battery, I'd have believed you......
Kraig - you think I'm gonna tell you something ... you'd put it on a dvd and send it out for the world to know. ... forgot his name but now the guy in Oz is gonna think I'm krazy! See you done went and told that rumor ;)

<font color="ff0000"><font face="arial,helvetica"><font size="+2">Hey Kraig! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!</font></font></font>
KENtuckyKEN, <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">M<font color="119911">E</font><font color="ff0000">R</font><font color="119911">R</font><font color="ff0000">Y</font> <font color="119911">C</font><font color="ff0000">H</font><font color="119911">R</font><font color="ff0000">I</font><font color="119911">S</font><font color="ff0000">T</font><font color="119911">M</font><font color="ff0000">A</font><font color="119911">S</font></font></font> to you and KATHY too!

Oh why not....... <blink><font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">M<font color="119911">E</font><font color="ff0000">R</font><font color="119911">R</font><font color="ff0000">Y</font> <font color="119911">C</font><font color="ff0000">H</font><font color="119911">R</font><font color="ff0000">I</font><font color="119911">S</font><font color="ff0000">T</font><font color="119911">M</font><font color="ff0000">A</font><font color="119911">S</font></font></font></blink> To all!
Merry Christmas to all. See you next year. .

Charlie, Bryan, Kraig: thanks for another year of working on the forum!
KENtucky -

I was gonna reply to your post last night and forgot all about it 'til now. Yes I do know a good ER doc, shame that hospital (less than a mile from home) doesn't take my insurance!

Those old animations bring back memories. And give me an idea. Need to figure out a way to do like Google and tweak the site logo for holidays...
<font color="119911"><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica"><font size="+2">HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!!!</font></font></font>
Happy Holiday to every one on the forum and thanks for all your help.}}
For what it's worth, every 1XX series cub I've had with a battery drain has always turned out to be in the voltage requlator. Usually some rust on a terminal or connection that is supposed to be isolated. Sometimes I could just clean them up and sometimes I had to tear it apart to fix it. It will show up as a high resistance.
I think that's what's going on at the Mason/Dixon line.
That blue/gray cub used to be a pulling tractor.
Don't know what model it is but it has a 16hp kohler.

The surgeon general has determined that any of the following can be hazadous to a battery's health.
Loose or missing battery hold downs. Banging around in the battery tray will rattle a battery's insides until something shakes loose. One common cause for battery "motion sickness" is replacement of the battery and not reinstalling the battery retainer strap.

Constant undercharge or overcharge. At a constant undercharge, battery plates sulfate, and the battery must work harder in its undercharge condition. Overcharge boils away the battery water. The remaining acid is too strong, and the upper portions of the plates are exposed to air, causing sulfation. Battery damage from the high heat caused by overcharge can also damage the battery.

Exposure to temperature extremes. Some cookware advertises that it can go directly from the freezer to the oven. That's fine for cookware, but not for batteries. Batteries will freeze, especially when they are at a state of low charge. The higher water content of the electrolyte freezes a lot faster than electrolyte with a high specific gravity.

Death by electrocution. If you need to use a welder on the cub, disconnect the battery.

Death by contamination. Add only distilled water to a battery that is already in service. Beer, pond water, or electrolyte are not considered suitable substitutes. High levels of impurities can build up inside the battery, causing shorts. And these same impurities will have a decidedly negative effect on battery chemistry.

Don't overfill the battery. Most batteries have some indication of the correct electrolyte level. It may be a mark on the case or a small reasessed ring inside each cell. Overfilling can cause the electrolyte to spill over when heated by the charging process. In addition to providing a discharge path between the plates if the entire battery top is covered with electrolyte,(Rodeo Ken), this stuff doesn't exactly do wonders for the paint job, either.
Gotta go ketch my breath.
Lookin at the picture of the blue bandit, it is obviously a wide frame cc, with a maunal lift, and a 16 hp kohler... looks like a potential 86-169 with a manual lift...
Basically, it's blue and gray, and is a cub... that much I can safely say
James - I take it you might mean me. Yes, we normally have warm/hot Christmas, although 60F is a bit cool even for us on the South Coast NSW, today though is only about 66 = cold & windy & wet, not much good for lake or ocean, but might help the Bushfires in Victoria.
QA-42A curved straps.....

Yes, I used to mount them upside down. I always saw it as a potential clearance issue on the LEFT side with the driveshaft should the thrower get lifted up/ride up in heavy snow piles.

They will clear either way on all of the yellow tractors, but as was stated before, the correct way is "curve down".

My thrower is currently on my 782, where "curve down" is very important for grill clearance.

BTW, that Mag 18 and QA-42A "Modified" is a snow horse!!!! Man, that thing will eat snow!!!!
KentuckyKen - No way I'd breath the word, Kraig must be wrong, if only about that! I believe ya about the dirty battery, altho I've never seen a meter on it, good stuff mate (but down here guess who gets to clean the wifes car's battery, & everything else on it !)