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Archive through December 12, 2003

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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My Dad has an expression that may be applicable when fighting with a blade undercarriage. He likes to say, "You've got to hold your mouth JUST right." In other words, you've got to swear at it until it surrenders. Either that or get someone to help you. Enjoy the snow.
I need some help. I've been using the archive search and I still can't put my finger on two topics that I know I've seen here.
First - could someone post the part number for the NAPA-sourced QL Iso-Mount kits.
Second - I can't find the dimensional sketches for adding the strap to the QL engine cradle.

I think it's time to tear apart the 129+ and make some modifications. I've got a QL frame lying around here but need to do some layout work. I sure would appreciate the help.

Thanks, Keith
STEVE B. - Postman was driving a red sleigh yesterday. Got My package. I paid Apostle Ken a visit yesterday morning so I'm all set to go! Ran into another RPM Forum Poster at C&G yesterday. Spent a couple hours looking at a BUNCH of rare French Super Cub's, flipping pages in Guy Fay's latest book, The Number Series Restoration Guide.
i wish it was that easy, my closest farm store is 1-1/2 hours west of here. i'm sure we do have sources closer for a welded hub setup but it would take some searching and calling around.

i envy you guys with the farm stores close by.
Keith ,heres the pics posted here before.

I think those are Richard Cs pics
were getting snow in western Pa.
Two things....
First, all we got here (Outside of Chicago) is a about 1 inch. Not enough to fire up Spot.

Second, the ISO mounts are still available from MTD. If we stop buying them they will go away. Also, are there any long term life reports on them???

Just my $.02....

BTW Thank you to Bob and Bryan for the safe e-mail they provide......

The Declude Virus software on ihcubcadet.com has reported that you were
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Unknown File attachment. The subject of the E-mail was " Re: Question for seller -- Item #3310949172".
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I didn't even ask anyone on ebay a question?!?!?!?

under edit, just goes to show they will try anthing to get a bug through....

The item you requested (3310949172) is invalid, still pending, or no longer in our database. Please check the number and try again. If this message persists, the item has either not started and is not yet available for viewing, or has expired and is no longer available.

(Message edited by till on December 14, 2003)
Oh, and BTW, we got him in custody right now. CNN is all over it.

Now we just need the scoundrel who caused all this $h!t.

(Message edited by jrichardson on December 14, 2003)
Umm, Jeff? Take a look at the membership map and notice that the fair majority of our membership has been awake 2-3 hours longer than the left coast. I think that unless folks were sleeping under rocks, we're pretty much all aware of today's events

I tried holding my mouth just right! I have used that saying for years. Learned it from my dad.

Thanks for letting me know it was not just me that was trip blade challenged.

Finished plowing the 2-3" about midnight. I do miss my big tactor for the large contracts. Stil use the cubs for the smaller ones.

I do not enjoy pushing snow with the truck plow. Did not even need the 4x4 feature. It does push it better than the big tractor but I can't see anything. I like to see what I am doing and the big tractor lets me do that. The cubas also let me see what I am doing. Takes about 5 hours to make one round of all the contracted sights.

Not enough to try my newly acquired throwers. Will have to wait for a little more to try them out.
actually the first i heard of the capture was jeff's post.

hope to get the rest of the 106/loader upgrades done today. i've got to drill and counter sink some 3/8 holes thru the t-1 cutting edge, wish me some luck I think i'll need it.
Well, Bryan I've been up since 0400, and it was just breaking news. That would be 0700(7am) on the right coast. Ya'll were still wiping the sleep out of yer eyes when I was already on the road heading towards the base. ;o)

Good luck there Doug "bucket" Barnett! Will you be at the shop all day? Might give you a hollar later on...

(Message edited by jrichardson on December 14, 2003)

Thanks for the info on the pulley. Bryan, like Nate said we envy you guys in the midwest with farm stores nearby. I live in central CT and unfortunately there aren't anymore farms around. As a result, no farm stores near by. Industrial supply is our best bet.

Pulleys -

If I'm not mistaken, I thought I saw a nice display of pulleys and hubs at C&G last time I was up there. Then again, maybe they were sprockets. But ya might want to explore that realm, too.